Pregnancy... 24 weeks and hair is regrowing

I've had no hair for about a year now. My hair started to fall out after I was pregnant with my son who was born in december 2006. In the summer of 2007 I had really big, hairless patches on my head and in mai 2008 I was completely bald. My eyebrows are gone and I've got almost no body hair!

Before I got pregnant I had white, thin fuzzy hair on the top of my head. I sometimes dyed my hair darker which made me feel better since it looked like I had more hair. Now I'm 24 weeks pregnant, I look like I'm almost at the end of my pregnancy though!!! I've got a huge stomach... it was also huge in my first pregnancy. My hair is still fuzzy but it's getting more and more. Well, I'm not even close to being able to go outside without my wig but it makes me happy to see my hair grow. There are still patches where it does not grow at all and my eyebrows and my body hair is still gone.

I hope my hair is not going to fall out after my pregnancy. Can pregnancy be a cure for AA? What do you think? What's your experience?

Views: 91

Comment by Mari on March 26, 2009 at 10:31am
I had to be a downer Zoe but I will be honest. This past August I got pregnant and soon after started to have a lot of regrowth. Hair on my head, eyebrows, even eyelashes. I was so stoked! I got to talking to another lady on here and she told me that most women she knew did lose it after they delivered, but that didn't necessarily mean I would also. Anyways lol, it continued to grow and so I was hoping ( I wont lie). In November I miscarried and soon after all my new growth started to fall out. As of now it is all gone and nothing is regrowing anymore. I know, God do I know, that is not the answer you want. But I do believe it is just the baby hormones giving us a boost. I pray for you that you are the exception, but just didn't want you to have any "false" hope. Like it is impossible NOT to hope huh?! Good Luck
Comment by Zoe on March 28, 2009 at 12:06am
Thanks for your comments. It might be right that I'll lose all my hair again after having the baby. I definitely have to be aware of that or otherwise I'll be so disappointed. It's very strange anyway. Only the hair on my head is regrowing. There's still NO body hair AT ALL! Additionally, not all the hair on my head is regrowing. There'S still no hair on the sides of my head. So it's weird anyway. Why doesn't my immune system suppress the Alopecia on my entire body. Why only on some parts of my head?

Well, my hair is still thin and it doesn't look like I can put my wigs to the side within the next few months so I'll just wait and see what happens. I have also not heard of anyone who kept the hair that regrow during their pregnancy. I just know from people who lost all their hair again once the baby was there.

I'm still dreaming of a world with hair and I still hope that I'll wake up one day and everything was just a bad dream.
Comment by Jen on March 28, 2009 at 1:41pm
Hi Zoe. Congratulations on your pregnancy and regrowth! I have had AA for quite some time now but it was always a single patch up until the birth of my first son. I had several patches that developed after giving birth to him (it took about 4 months before they started appearing). Luckily they all grew back within a year.

Then I became pregnant while I was still breastfeeding (about a year later). I don't know if it was the fact that I quit breastfeeding or that I miscarried at 11 weeks but about 3 months later my hair starting to slowly fall out. The hair loss increased significantly and within 6 months I was wearing a wig. I lost the hair on the crown of my head this time and some of the hair in the back. I have been wearing a wig for about 1 1/2 years now. I am now 32 weeks pregnant and not noticing a lot of regrowth but the area of loss is far greater than before. This is the longest I have gone without regrowth though some of my smaller patches have since regrown and staying. Unfortunately I don't know what to expect either once the baby is born. Will it have any affect at all? Will it get worse and go from AA to AT or even AU?

Good luck with your regrowth and congratulations on your pregnancy!
Comment by Zoe on March 28, 2009 at 4:36pm
Hey Jen,

thanks for cour comment. It's really interesting to hear from other people how their regrowth went during their pregnancy. It sounds like you had a really hard time with your second pregnancy and the miscarriage. You must be a very strong person.

I have AU...well, I don't have eyebrows, only a few eyelashes, no hair on my body, arms, legs etc. I still need to shave my armpits though. I guess it can't get a lot worse for me. So I don't have anything to lose. I just hope so much that my hair will come back one day!

You definitely need to keep me updated about your baby and regrowth situation. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Is your first child a girl or a boy? Do you have a name already?
Comment by Patchylatchy on December 19, 2016 at 7:23pm

Hi Zoe, I came across this discussion. I was wondering if you ever had AA before your first baby? If yes, how old were you? I hope you are still active and can help me!


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