Hi everybody. Brand new here desperately needing some support. I am a 22 year old girl living in an nonsupport household. I am the youngest of 2 girls in my home. My older sister is my mommy's perfect angel. Ballerina, singer, guitar player, actress, wonderful boyfriend, mom's best friend. I was the 2nd and an accident. I grew up pretty much alone but with people all around me. I was in after school programs because my parents didn't have the time for me, summer camps, baby sitters, past around to whom ever would take me. I have struggled with depression my whole life. Due to my home life I have grown up unfortunately always feeling worthless and have always been very self conscious. ...and now I have alopecia areata. almost a year ago, I had a very bad accident where I was in a truck that rolled down a hill and cracked my skull in 2 places, during the exam they asked me about this bald spot. I had no idea until then. That was the starting of it all. As it continued to worsen quickly, I made it to a dermatologist where she started steroid injections. small bits have grown back, but more is falling out than coming in and what is coming in is falling back out again. Its a total emotional roller coaster. I have hit my stress limit. I work as a bartender in a strip club so I am surrounded by beautiful flawless women, and I sit behind my bar feeling so ugly and lost. I come home and zero understanding from my family. the phrase "It's just hair" is true, but doesn't make me feel any better. I have no escape where i can feel comfortable. My doctor tells me stress is the reason my hair is not coming back, but my life won't let me stay happy. I have been trying to get a wig made but that is proving stressful as well. I have a VERY small head lol so nothing is fitting right. Every time I send it away to try one more thing to make it fit, it comes back still not working right. I don't know if I need to go to a different place, maybe a different kind, Im at a loss on what to do and am losing the strength to keep trying and fighting. I am calling out of work any chance I can. Because of my looks I stopped going out and wanting to go clubbing and to parties and all the things young 20 year old California girls do, so I have lost about 80% of my friends. Ill hear from them through a text message once in a blue moon but that is it. I am trying to stay strong and keep myself happy with any little thing I can but I am losing my battle here. My one passion in life is horses, so I am leasing one, but with me not going into work as much, I wont be able to keep my lease going and its a vicious cycle I fear. I am trying my very best to stay strong and hopeful but I am having trouble. I came here desperately looking for inspiration, hope and seasoned advice from people who have been through it.
Im so sorry to hear things are so stressful with you. It makes me wept HUGS>>
You are with wonderful support here, like a family . I have found great strength being here, expressing my thoughts and receiving all the wonderful comments. Im sure very soon you will feel the unconditional love and support offered here, and in time regain your inner strength. Which you should never forget that you indeed do. I like to remind myself that life gives the biggest challenges to those that are brave and strong enough to take them on. And remember you are indeed strong, brave and beautiful. XOXO
Hi Lindsay you're story really touched me.The first thing is that i'm sorry you grew up in such an environment that is to say you felt so alone. You are now 22 and are responsible for your own happiness,oh by the way i am 46 so have lived a little.One thing i have learned is that you have to learn to love yourself then the rest will fall into place.Ibelieve everyone struggles with their own issues but the point is you have to rise above them, believe in yourself because at the end of the day you know you can trust yourself.Reach out to people on this site and they will help you are not alone i will support you if you would like to talk i will be there for you ok? I am from Sotland originally although now i live in NYC but we are a tough race and are referred to as Scotland the Brave and that is what i am trying to be.God bless i wish you love and luck clare.
Oh my gosh, you are all such amazingly wonderful people. Your kind words made my heart soar!
You are all right. I need to work on being ok with myself. It has always been hard for me. I need to be there for myself rather than looking to people to help support the main weight of things and feeling more let down when no one gives me a shoulder to cry on. Once I find a good wig I think I am going to shave. Reading stories on here made me feel so much better. I always thought that if I had a wig I couldn't ride a horse anymore or worry about someone hugging me and my wig getting pulled off, no more swimming and all that. Well thats at-least how I feel right now. My emotions on this whole thing are so up and down.
I am currently looking for a new job as well. I think getting away from that will help me out a lot. Being around more mature people and less stuck up girls and rude guys. =/
I need to keep reminding myself that curling up in a little ball and crying my life away (my favorite move) won't change anything.
I wish I could stay feeling brave and ready to tackle all this more often. =/
And is anyone in the Southern Californian Los Angeles area that can suggest a good wig place that makes custom? Do you guys mostly order online? I didn't know that was an option till a few moments ago.
You have to shop around there are plenty of places try and get a friend to go with you for support.I am in the process of wearing a wig but i don't like wearing it every day. I wear hats and bandanas a lot as i still have just a little hair at the back and sides so i can get away with it right now.Although that is not going to last so i think i will have to wear a wig full time soon. Thats if i decide to go down that road? still trying to come to terms after 6 months and hardly any hair left. However Lindsay chin up thats what my mum says to me and i try my best to do that take care Clare
I am so sorry to hear that your family isn't supportive! But you now have your AW family to support you. I found so much comfort and support on AW and it has helped me to come to a final decision to take control back in my life. I am actually going to be getting a wig myself next month. It is a big step, but I also think that once I find a proper fit for me that I will shave as well. I think that it will be an empowering moment, and I agree with you that reading and watching posts on AW has helped me to feel empowered to do that. Now I am sure it will be a tough step to take, but I think it is a step to better me and help me to feel better about myself!
Welcome to the AW family and I hope that you have better luck with getting a wig that will fit you properly!
Cheer up buttercup!! AW loves ya!
Take care - Julie
It's unfortunate that the ones you believe 'should' be there for you are often the last ones to do so. That is more about them than it is about you. I so understand your frustration about getting a wig that fits as I also have a very small head and gave up on off the shelf wigs a long time ago and get them custom made. It wasn't just the size, it was also the amount of hair - I used to feel like Cousin It [you're too young to remember that characte in the Adams family I suppose] It makes a huge difference when a wig feels part of you and not something sitting on top of your head. All the best with that.
Alopecia can be really devastating at times, especially when you don't have a good support system on hand. I really think you should go to the NAAF website and look up and see if there are any support groups in your area that you could talk to. I also love riding horses and even though it can get really hot in the summer it is still possible. I rode with a wig for about 5 years, but now I just go in a bandanna. Horse people are generally understanding probably because they have to be so calm around horses so if you feel comfortable with it I would try wearing a bandanna or something while you ride only because it is much more comfortable. I am also in a bad place right now but I'm determined I won't stay here. If you give up on yourself there isn't going to be anyone else that can keep moving for you. Once you have gotten more used to it you will start to learn what makes you feel the most comfortable. You don't have to do anything you don't want to but that doesn't mean you should hide yourself away and stop trying new things. Unfortunately finding the right fitting wig is a hassle but once you find the brand that fits, you don't have to look at anything besides color and style. I also have a small head and I have found that Rene of Paris fits the best but you may be different. The only thing I would say to look out for when you buy a wig is that if it is even the slightest bit uncomfortable don't take it because it will just get worse the longer you wear it (the parts around the ear especially if they don't fit right). Best of luck in finding your wig and I hope you have a better time of it soon.
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