I'm feeling pretty frustrated right now, so sorry for ranting. I'm just really confused by all of the reactions to my hair loss. My mother is acting like it's the end of the world and keeps telling me how sorry she is, even my dad keeps muttering things like, "it's not fair," and then my friends (the few who know) are acting like I'm a huge, to quote them directly, "drama bomb." I excitedly told my friend that I got a hair piece, and she responded by saying, "Yeah, I know. What's the big deal, it's just hair. Stop being vain." My guidance counselor wanted to seem me about college applications, and when she saw a spot on my head, she asked about it. I told her and then she asked me if she should email teachers and support me socially. I almost laughed because it seemed like a preposterous proposal. People have warned me about dating, etc. Why does it seem like everyone thinks this will ruin my life? Is it going to ruin my life? Do people honestly care that much?

Views: 1943

Comment by Dorothy G. on June 4, 2013 at 10:25am

Hi Madeline,
Don't give alopecia the permission to ruin your life! It is a challenge at times but something you can live with. I have come to see some advantages too - You can wear a wig, wear a hat or headcovering or go without. Quick showers, no more sweaty hair after a workout, no grey hair, trips to the stylist, bed head, no need of a hair dryer.

Maybe people have the reactions because they're not sure how to react or feel or uncomfortable. It may take time but they can follow your lead. If you're comfortable or accepting of it, in time they will be too.

Comment by Leanne Bartlett on June 4, 2013 at 10:44am

I am just starting to lose my hair, so reading people's experiences is very helpfull. I'll definity be returning to this site!

Comment by Crystal on June 4, 2013 at 2:00pm
I to lost my hair at an early age. Age 11 to be exact. There will be hardships but you will get through them. Just remember it is the other people with the problem not you. You will find love, there are some really good men out there that don't care if their woman is bald.
Comment by Madeline on June 4, 2013 at 2:18pm
Wow, I'm so amazed by all of your support, advice, and compassion. Thank you so much for taking the time to post a comment, it means. Lot. Things with my friends have improved dramatically; I realize that it is easier for some people to accept than others. I am just going to take it day by day and see how it goes. Maybe I'll need a full wig, maybe not. Now I know that this is then perfect place to come when I need a bit of encouragement. I'm truly shocked at how fast I've recurve replies. You are all so supportive and generous, thank you.
Comment by The Bald Mermaid on June 4, 2013 at 3:53pm

It is a big deal. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There is nothing superficial or "vain" about caring that you are losing your hair. If it weren't a big deal people wouldn't constantly have something to say about it. Everyone offers opinions about what caused it, how to remedy it, whether or not you should wear wigs, shave your head, etc. At the end of the day it's about you and having the courage to do what is right or best for you. While Alopecia is not life threatening in any way it is most certainly life altering/transforming which is why I just wrote a book about it.

Comment by Riznae on June 4, 2013 at 4:33pm

I understand your frustration, I am someone that had a thick beautiful head of hair and modeled. Now I have a serious bald spot on top of my head the size of my hand, first I tried a wig and I couldn't do that, to hot, I have always worn weaves every now and then so I found the clip in hair. While I am using the form from my doctor which is really helped the sides but I don't see much going on up top. I will fight this to the end. I watched my mothers hair fall out and come back so I am not giving up hope yet.

Comment by Teresa Cox on June 4, 2013 at 7:53pm

I am bald and it has not ruined my life at all!! Some folks don't mean to be ugly; they just are not sure how to react and they often end up spouting the wrong things. I love my wigs! Look at it this way, it you wantto change the style or color just put on another wig! I know it is hard, but don't let these fools get you down; it might be their hair next!! The folks that truly care about you will support you and I found out on baldness, you weed out the superficial folk and what is left is a true friend. I wish you a long and happy life!!!

Comment by Georgia Kay Jarman on June 5, 2013 at 5:42pm

No it won't ruin your life. it just takes a lot of adjustment. In time, baby steps you will go forward. There are two choices. Accepting yourself without hair, or find a wig that you love and are completely comfortable with. It's really hard at first but you can do it. I finally found a wig that I like. If I feel I need to say something to someone I see all the time, I just say, you haven't seen my new look have you? But mostly people just say oh, I love your hair. Then start wearing your wig that you love to places in which you don't know people--to get use to it. and of course, around your dear friends because they will accept your problem and they already know what you are facing. Just have confidence that you are still you; the important, wonderful person you've always been. And you will really like the wig as you have so much more freedom. Hair that isn't manageable is very inconvenient as you know. I struggled for so many years; I wish I could have progressed much earlier. I am thinking of you and wish you all the best. Please keep us posted.

Comment by Rea on June 6, 2013 at 3:01pm

The reality is people just don't know how to react as unless you are terminally ill or was in an accident, why would there be a change in your appearance, right? Wrong! One thing sweetheart, do not take in any information from any unknowledgeable source. When people are trying to be supportive they will most likely hurt you, when they aren’t they will most likely hurt you:( Most of the time it is unintentional. Number one change that will happen to you, is a different perspective on life then you had before. You will start to see, feel and hear things differently as your connection to this world has changed. You now know what it feels to be different so it is now your responsibility to look at life through these upgraded glasses:). My experience was very similar at the beginning and I am in remission for Alopecia Universalis. Lost all scalp and body hair in 3 months! What a journey…. Those that are worth your time will be right by your side and those that are not just leave them behind. Cheers to the future! xo


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