Going through a rough spot with all of this, a year ago my alopecia was so bad that I shaved my head because there wasn't a lot left on my head. it took a lot but then I rocked it, I loved being bald after a few months and was very comfortable with it. I moved to another province to be with my boyfriend, whoo had been with me since before this started. which I felt was better because he seen me through the thick and thin of it all and was there for me. we didn't have a good relationship, but he was always there for me, I guess more of a friend than a boyfriend. we recently just broke up, and this guy was the love of my life, I am having such a hard time with the break up, and part of me really feels so self conscious about everything. I just recently started growing my hair out before it happen, so I look like a boy with the short short hair. anyway the point of this is... I feel like while im growing my hair out, im not going to have any kind of a relationship. I really do feel like I look like a little boy with this short hair.. Its been two months so I don't want to shave it and just be bald, plus shaving a full head of hair sucks compared to shaving a couple spots... honestly part of my really does wish it would come back! I just don't know, I feel so self conscious, I try to hide it but then sometimes it just gets to me and I need to hide and cry or something
I try to be positive to but well with what I went through with the break up its been a pretty negative month for me, going to try to make big changes for the new year but I really don't know what im doing with my life yet, as for work or anything, trying to find a job out west, and thinking about military but I don't want to make rash decisions... such a tough time.. anyway just needed to get it out and would rather write a blog then find some fake friend to talk to.
Its good to get it all out... I hope you're feeling better. It might be an idea to speak toa professional if you can. Things seem to be hard for you and its so important that you have some support whilst you're going through this. This experience will just make you stronger. You'll see one day you'll look back on this and maybe even be grateful for the lessons learned. Please take care.
Relationships are always tough and i'm so sorry your relationship recently split up. I am thinking back to about 15 years ago in my life when the love of my life at that time and i split. He was the first man with whom i really shared myself fully--- alopecia and all. after us being together for 5 years he decided he didn't want a bald girlfriend anymore. i was devastated. but i moved on... had lots of thoughts of also making rash decisions of moving, etc. but i stuck it out.. (i wear wigs... so different from you). about a year after that, i meant the man that is now my husband and although i wear wigs most of the time... i do not at home with my husband and kids. I'm so sorry you are going through a tough time, but things do get better.
It's still early days for you with the breakup and the sadness will take some time to get through. I remember when my hair grew back after my first stint with alopecia I quite liked the short hair boy-look...I think if you're otherwise feminine looking it can be quite a good look. Being young it will really suit you. At least you have a positive with the regrowth of a full head of hair. You say he was more of a friend than a boyfriend, maybe in time that will be a positive too and you will be able to accept him on those terms. Hugs
Breaking up is one of the hardest things in life you ever have to go through and hair or not we all find something about ourselfs to pick on. You should use this time as 'YOU' time. Find your own confidence that doesn't depend on how you look to our people and work out what you want to do with your life. I hope the New Year, bring new happiness for you x
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