I don't understand why people have to be so rude,
My poor ego :(

I was feeling down, (it's really hard to feel like you look good when you're eight months pregnant) but something got me even more down.

I recently bought a wig online, Seeing as how there are no wig stores in flagstaff that was my option.
I've been wearing it for about a month now and as most of you know, Synthetic wigs tend to wear out fast, especially if they aren't the best quality.

A little girl (Well not so little.. probably eighteen or ninteen) came up to me and stated "how far along are you?"
A normal question I thought she was being sweet, then she finished it off with "Oh and, you need to buy a new wig, I can totally tell its a wig, it's all gross and lifting in the back" She had two of her friends with her that started laughing.

Hysterically so I could tell they were shocked by what their friend had said, but me I wanted to cry.
I knew it was getting ratty, but I didn't think anyone had noticed, it hurt my feelings so badly (I guess being overly emotional from pregnancy didn't help either) I couldn't even think of a come back, I just told her thank you and let her skip off with her friends without the slightest bit of guilt from insulting me.

The sad part is, I don't know if she even knew she was insulting me, she could have thought she was doing me a favor by letting me know. and I know that I should ignore girls like that, or people who say rude things, but it made me think; who else noticed it was a wig and just didn't say anything?

My confidence was shattered, it's just so ridiculous what low tolerance people have now days. I don't think I would have said something like that even if her wig was falling half off her head!
My husband was upset when I met up with him in the mall as well (I had been sitting down waiting for him to be done with a meeting with his recruiter) We just don't understand how someone could be so mean.

Have any of you had situations similar?

Views: 110

Comment by Lexi on August 19, 2010 at 5:58pm
Hello...did you read my post on rude people??? So sad, but I imagine maybe we have all be insensitive and maybe on the rude side ourselves at some point in our lives. Then you get that moment when you realize by virtue of what you yourself are going thru ..you then see people entirely differently. In your case, it was just the teenagers poking fun, and they haven't even grown up yet, think life is just a joke, and people are for making jokes about. No, not all teens. But some. People don't realize how their remarks and looks they give us hurt deeply. We have to be above the insult, and go on with our lives. Consider where the remark comes from, and you won't pay it anymore mind.
Comment by Tallgirl on August 19, 2010 at 8:58pm
Or have pre-printed cards on hand defining (a) alopecia, (b) rudeness, or listing (c) Bible verses dealing with mean people vs blessed people. Do a quick mental assessment as to which card is needed for the occasion!
Comment by Marisa on August 21, 2010 at 11:15pm
I had someone tell me about a year ago that I probably did something wrong and deserved to have my hair fall out....the things that people say never ceases to amaze me....which is why I have probably turned into a hermit.
Comment by Lexi on August 22, 2010 at 7:52am
Some people can be so cruel. We try to "get over it", consider the source of the comment or look, but sometimes we can never truly forget about it, and it makes us retreat into a shell. We can always hear their voices, see their looks, remember their thoughtless comment. It hurts.
Comment by Marisa on August 22, 2010 at 12:07pm
yeah the commet given to me was by my cousin who I thought was my best buddy all my life...needless to say we have not spoken in 2 years now....


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