My name is Devyn Napier and I am a senior in high school. I am extremely interested in the medical field and I attend an all academy school in Concord, Ca. I am in the Medical and Biotechnology Academy and I absolutely love it. I get to wear scrubs to school (so comfortable!) and I was awarded the opportunity to work in the emergency room of John Muir.
In my biological science research class this year, our project is to develop our own science fair experiment. I will then present my research and findings to a panel of judges at the cccsef for the opportunity to win scholarship money for college.
I was diagnosed with alopecia areata when I was three years old and have had it ever since (I am seventeen now), I figured there is nothing in the entire world I would rather experiment with than alopecia.
My plan is to prevent two proteins found in individuals who have alopecia. One (ULBP3) is located on a hair follicle and works as a signal. Now this signal does not normally go off, but, in people with alopecia it does. By doing so, it attracts an immune cell accompanied by the NKG2D protein. What happens here is what we are all familiar with as the autoimmune response.
I was planning on creating a solution to prevent them from binding in the first place. I want to alter their environment and pH and hopefully by doing so, I can prevent them from binding.
I am reaching out because I am in need of advice, opinions, concerns...
I have also reached out to a few dermatologists and was curious if anyone knew any experts on alopecia I could contact?
Any thoughts?
You should reach out to this Columbia U. prof. She has the condition. Good luck!
Hey...that's so great! Good luck to you!
Hi Devyn, Good Luck and hopefully we will all be ready your discovery on this blog. There is a leading dermatologist in San Francisco that I saw about 12 years ago. I am so
rry I don't know her name anymore but am sure you could google her easy enough.
again good luck
Dr. Jerry Shapiro is one of the leading dermatologists and focuses exclusively on alopecia. He could be a great resource, he is based in New York.
Hi Devyn,
Here’s a couple of links and info on how I’ve become convinced of the effects of gluten.
Dr. Glidden - Against the Grain, Why Gluten is Bad
Chris Kresser http://chriskresser.com/the-gluten-thyroid-connection
I recently watched these 3 shows on PBS on Nutrition and believe it to be life changing!
David Perlmutter, MD - Brain Change (Effects of Wheat, Sugar & Carbohydrates on the Brain)
Deepak Chopra - What Are You Hungry For?
Dr. Joel Fuhrman - 3 Steps to Incredible Health
Another bit of info I heard that's stayed with me is an acronym called GOMBS (like comb with a g) to eat everyday to prevent cancer and for overall good health.
It stands for:
I hope you find this information helpful. Good luck with your research!
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