Hanson Mania vs. Bieber Fever!!

I'm a die-hard Hanson fan. For life. [Think back to 1997, "Mmmbop"!!] Recently though, I've become a big Justin Bieber fan, I just can't stay away from the Pop music! I watched JB's performance on American Idol from last night and he's just adorable. Haha. The point to this mini-tangent, is that Hanson is coming to Portland!! They're doing a Summer tour, finally, having had Fall/Winter tours the past couple years. Ideally I would love to go see Hanson in San Francisco, Portland, Seattle... Even more unrealistically, I'd love to follow them all summer/tour!! Hahaha, I wish. Their new album comes out next month, super excited. I know a lot of people think of Hanson as the "teenie-bopper boys that look like girls band", but they've come a long way. Forming their own label, becoming Indie artists as well as getting married/having babies!! Yes, they're all married with kids... I'm so freaking excited I can barely contain myself as I write this!!! If I can't see them when they are here though, I'm determined to see them somewhere else...

Onward though...

I went to the dermatologist this morning. I decided I'm not really sure I like the doctor... He said that my bald spot[s] are too big for cortisone injections. Well, he actually said that it might not be as effective but that he'd start doing small sections at a time... He was all ready to do them today!! I politely declined. I'm just going to continue using the foam... And I'm thinking of getting a second opinion. But... They're more than likely going to tell me the same thing right? Hmm... I don't know what to do. I think if I don't try the injections... I might have that "what-if" feeling. But then, if I do try them and nothing happens... I feel as though I'll just be disappointed... I really am at a loss of what I should do. I'm still leaning toward shaving my head though... I'm almost looking forward to it... Still scared... But excited??

My parents are in town, and that has been fantastic. I've missed them so much!! Lucy, our family golden retriever, is scared of Dolly... So that has been interesting. I'll have to upload a couple pictures. Ooo, I'm going to!! :)

I had more to say, but now that I'm actually writing... I realize I don't... Oh!

Does anybody know some good websites with head scarves?? I'm also wondering if someone could explain how to put one on?? I don't know if that sounds really stupid... But I tend to fail at bandannas in general, and I really want to try something different to cover the back of my head seeing as it's getting too warm for my crocheted winter hats!! I'd greatly appreciate any tips or recommendations!!

Also, I'm not sure if the same people will read that read the previous... But I thought I'd answer the question about what I'm going to school for... So Dana! :) I am in school for Speech and Hearing Sciences at Portland State University. I'm really enjoying the program thus far... I was previously going to school to become a Sign Language Interpreter, and a part of me wants to finish that when I'm finally done with my Bachelors next Spring. We'll see though!! I also want to take the time to say Thank You for the kind words and the well thought comments. It does help knowing I'm not going through this alone, and that we all tend to think similar things at times.

This blog wasn't nearly as informative or exciting as I had thought it was going to be... But I'm in the zone, watching Wife Swap lounging with the puppies!! I hope everyone is having a great Friday!!!

Views: 6

Comment by Jennifer Easter on May 22, 2010 at 10:46am
i never tried the injections... freaks me out thinking about a needle going into my head. an epidural was no problem, but this freaks me out. lol... go figure. im still on the edge about shaving too. til then, im sticking with the $1 bandanas from walmart! :)
Comment by Dana Kozlowski on May 22, 2010 at 12:23pm
I did the injections and I am deathly afraid of needles. I told the dermatologist that and they put the needles out of my view. My boyfriend was there for support so I felt a little better. They were not as bad as I thought. I am getting some growth. My patches are pretty big too.
Comment by porcelinh on May 22, 2010 at 9:57pm
Hi, Ellen. Try www.headcovers.com. Good luck. ~Holly
Comment by Clara S. on May 24, 2010 at 2:21am
Hi Ellen, I've done the shots before and I had so many big bald spots then and it gave me really good regrowth but i lost it all again. But i think its always worth a shot because everyone reacts differently and you never know it might work for you.


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