it has been a couple of months since i found the first spot, my hair has been falling out everyday but it had been from all over my head so it wasn't as noticeable except for the first spot that is about the size of a half dollar coin. it has thin little hairs growing out of it but its still pretty noticeable. well today i found another little spot on the opposite side of my head, this one is smaller though its about half an inch in diameter. its super itchy and even burns a little. i have an appointment with my derm on the 19th but i don't see much coming out of that visit except me probably getting upset. i really didn't like her the first time i went, she was so insensitive. i am very emotional about this and i i started crying in her office when she measured the spot and took a picture and she said very rudely "oh she's sensitive about it" uh hello no sh!t i'm sensitive this is hard for me, and she just like couldn't understand why i was upset, well lady lets have your hair fall and see if you're just okay with that. ugh. well anywayz my hubby bought me pink clip on extensions so i can cover the spots when i leave my hair down, but i mostly keep it up so i don't have to worry if it shows. i just wish it would be all there or all gone i don't like having spots, lolz, i feel like a cheetah or something. well at least i'm not as upset as i was the first time, i think i can handle it better. i'm kinda proud of myself, i only cried two lil tears when i saw this one unlike the first spot when i cried for hours.

Views: 13

Comment by Hope on May 10, 2011 at 10:37pm
So sorry for your heartache.... I remember those times like it was yesterday, even though it's been 15 years now. Just know, like everyone does get easier. You heart will start to heal, you'll become stronger each day, and you'll just one day realize, "I can deal with this!" You are still beautiful, you have a lovely family, and life does go on. Hugs to u....
FYI..if you want to seek help from a dermatologist, because there are some success stories, seek a more compassionate one, I love mine!!!!!
Comment by Irfaan on May 11, 2011 at 4:41pm
"i just wish it would be all there or all gone i don't like having spots" - i know what you mean, my hair was almost at my shoulders (with two huge patches 3cm diameter right on top of my head )when i decided it would be better to shave it all off to remedy the spots...bad idea, my hair every where else is to thick so it looks really weird and the spots can be seen a few hours later. tGfc! (thank God for caps.)


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