Some extra time to think about my alopecia

Hi everyone,

It is funny that now I'm waiting for the official news/words from a few potential employers...suddenly, I have so much time for my own...couple of hours of packing or helping others to pack, some jogging, sit-ups and push and there, watch my favourite sitcoms "Everybody loves Raymond"...I still have plenty of time to spare.

Well, it gives me time to think of my alopecia more often, its like I feel more aware of my alopecia than before I was still a full-time student ( happy to say that I WAS a full-time student). So, after so many years of schooling and dealing with alopecia universalis. Now, i'm in the transition period to become a full-time working adult. So, where am I at coping with alopecia? Full acceptance?- I dont think so, its pretty impossible when everyone around you pay so much attention to their hair or people staring at my smooth legs. But I'm not sad with my alopecia but rather I am proud of it. Alopecia has not only define how I look but also how I live my life. A life blessed with so many friends/ angels sent by God.

If God asked me today: would I trade off my friends for my hair back/ a couple of inches taller?....My answer would be an affirmative: NO!

A couple of reasons why I said "NO"...

1. NO. Because beauty comes from within, I may look better with hair and a couple of inches taller...but what do I get in the end of life? No matter what, our body will return to dust one day. 100 years from now, people will not remember how good looking I was but rather how many friends that cherished and celebrate a person's life.

2. NO. Alopecia may have lead me to my friends and how could I abandon my friends just have my hair back? The amount of love, support, prayers and even money pour into shaping who I am today can never be replaced with a full head of hair which would turn gray and decay one day.

So, at the end of the day. I must admit to the fact that world put more/ over emphasis on physical appearance and outward beauty but I will not surrender anything that truly matters in life for physical appearance. A very tough war! And time will only tell that I have make the correct we all should go for things that will stand the test of time. :) may come and go but genuine friendship will always have a place in your heart and spirit. :)

So, God...I thank YOU for who I am today!

God bless everyone.


For more blog post about alopecia. Please click HERE to visit my blog.

Views: 4

Comment by Tiffany P on May 12, 2010 at 6:32pm
I enjoyed your blog and tottally agree. where i work i see poeple missing limbs, in constant pain and have to rely on others just to eat but yet have a head full of hair. would i trade them? heck no. Everyone has their problems they have to overcome and this is mine. i can live a full happy life without hair and i will and if people dont want to accept me for who i am so be it. i was also blessed with good family and friends and thank god for them. do i fully accept it alopecia? not really, but i will move on. Have a great week :o)
Comment by brenda kay on May 12, 2010 at 7:05pm
how beautifully said.......i really needed to read this today. thankyou, Joshua..... bk
Comment by Sarah Car on May 13, 2010 at 12:58pm
Amen Brother!!


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