Steroid injection side-effects? And other questions!

Hi there!

I'm Karli and I have had AA for almost 2 years now. I have been going to the derm for injection treatment once every 5-8 months and my hair has made a comeback in the sites of injection... However, I am finding new spots all over my head. I was wondering what long-term side effects could be caused by the injections, and if I should even keep going to the derm. What are some common short-term side effects? My derm never really talked to me much about the product was or what it could do...... and I have been googling a lot and haven't found much! Has anyone else had dermatologists who just seemed to... not care?

I am a college student and can't really afford to go every month or two to the derm... any suggestions? At this point I am giving up on trying to re-grow because it is so unpredictable.

I have another question: regarding hair donations. My total hair length will be perfect to cut and donate after the winter is over. However, a large portion of my hair is regrowth, and will not be of length to cut along with the bulk of my hair. How much bulk is needed to make a wig? I would really love to donate, I just hope there is enough long hair to do it! :)

Views: 16715

Comment by Terina Reno on November 9, 2011 at 8:56am

My daughter Mandi got the steroid injections. In total over 100 in her scalp. That was 3 years ago. All of her hair came back. I will say though she didn't have the full hair loss. It was 10-13 big bald spots. We are fortunate that it turned out this way. Good luck to you sweetie. Although our situation has resolved we never stop supporting or thinking about Alopecia and its unfairness! I highly reccommend finding just the right dermatologist. Makes all the difference in the world! Take care

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on November 9, 2011 at 11:37am

I did injections for 10 years every 6 weeks. In the areas injected I experienced regrowth but I would also lose hair in other areas. I am AU, and lost my body hair way before losing my head hair, mostly because of the treatments I was doing. I constantly asked my doctor if I should continue with the injections and he was always supportive and said it will always be my choice. He said I could always take a break for awhile and then resume. I didnt know about any side effects at the time. Other than the pain and dents to the scalp. But when I did decide to stop all treatments for my hair loss was faster than the regrowth, I noticed a huge emotional change. I do believe the steroids do cause some depression. The biggest tell was when my friends came to me to say that they noticed how happier I was and I was smiling more.

Comment by Ashlee on November 9, 2011 at 4:48pm

I go every month and I actually went yesterday... I ahve had no Side-effects other then the area is sore after, But its to be expected. I went for about 6months and had hair growth.. I stopped for awhile and I now have a new patch right above the old one.

Comment by Anisha on November 10, 2011 at 12:15pm

There are no long-term side effects accept for a condition (the name escapes me) where the thin skin on your scalp (usually around your hairline and temples) starts to get really thin. I've been getting steroid injection monthly for 5 years now. They're perfectly safe and most doctors have no issues with continuing injections indefinately. But I would suggest getting them every 1-3 months for them to be effective.

I'm nearly finishing immuno-suppresant therapy for my alopecia, with excellent results. I had aa for 4 years and then was upgraded to totalis, when I lost nearly everything. My dermatologist put me on cyclosporine and methyprednisone for 3 months to suppress my immune system and keep it from attacking my hair folicles. It's worked great. My hair is nearly all grown back.

Comment by sharon gannon on November 11, 2011 at 12:09pm

Comment by ROSE WOSE on November 12, 2011 at 12:07am

Been there done that....only side affects was a very sore scalp. No more shots for this chick. I 'd rather go hairless cause the hair on the floor makes me crazy and frankly for me it always has regrown but fallen out again . I 'd rather spend my energy and money on other things instead of drugs for my scalp.Giving birth was painfull but steroid shoots in the head were 100 times worse!!!

Comment by Eric on November 12, 2011 at 8:42am

I have had Alopecia for 2+ yrs now. Few yrs ago my coworkers started to notice I was losing patches of hair, mostly on back of head. Soo after researching it figured it could be Alopecia and after visit to dermatologist it was confirmed. Not sure how this developed in my upper 20s. So past few hairs I been getting the injections. They helped some. I recently started using a creme for the bald spots, and seems to work. I havent had injections in while but my hair is almost fully regrown and everyone is amazed. But I just get very short haircuts and wear caps if I go out in public. Even my barber was amazed my regrowth recently and mentioned she has few other clients with it so at least I not the only one.It just hard to explain to people the cause and such.SO in my opinion I suggest using a creme such as Protopic or generic brand for it instead of shots.

Comment by ROSE WOSE on November 12, 2011 at 9:27pm

TNX ERIC..... will look into that


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