
It's been quite some time since my last blog post, but that has a reason!
Since last summer my hair has been growing back!
I didn't wear my wig anymore and after some time I had a full head of hair again :)
I was (and am) so happy with my hair!
BUT... since last month or so the bald spots have come back, return of the bald spots! Grrr
I don't mind it too much but still, it sucks.
And I've been thinking, i've been getting bald spots mainly every time I had (a lot of) stress. And lately I've had a lot of stress as well, and now the bald spots are coming back again.
Does anybody else have the same?

I have decided to cut my hair off again, summer is coming up again and that's the right time for short hair :D yay

Well, I'm wondering if anybody else has the same.. I'd be glad to hear about it =)

Views: 246


Comment by Anna from Yorkshire on March 27, 2011 at 5:52pm
Hi Lionel
Yes, very definitely stress is linked to my AA. First a divorce then a very stressful time at work and the death of my brother.
I am trying to find a way to be happy and relaxed in the hope that my hair grows back!
Comment by Lionel on March 28, 2011 at 10:05am
Yeah, I'm training a lot more on my sports lately, it's a good way for me to get rid of my stress a bit. But school and other stuff makes it still hard for me not to stress, but I'm sure it will all get better soon. It's gonna fall out sooner or later anyway, I just enjoy the time when I do have hair
Comment by Noel on March 28, 2011 at 1:07pm
I've always been somewhat sceptical of the notion that stress causes alopecia, because I've had alopecia areata since I was 3 years old. I didn't go through any traumatic, stress-filled experience before then, so I didn't see the connection in my case. I also always thought, if stress caused alopecia, how come others with PTSD, for example, don't suddenly develop alopecia?
However, I recently heard an interview with Dr. Gabor Mate about his theory that autoimmune diseases in general can be related to stress-induced imbalances between the nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine (hormone) system. He has a book out called "When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress". I haven't read it yet, but I thought I would mention it here in response to your post. His theory interests me because he says that even if an embryo is stressed in the womb, it can lead to the development of autoimmune disorders.
I don't know any more details, but once I read it, I'll post something more about it. :)
Comment by Anna from Yorkshire on March 28, 2011 at 2:15pm
Interesting, Noel. I developed eczema over most of my body soon after I was born. It developed into allergy induced asthma, both of course are autoimmune diseases. So, my AA just seems to be the next phase of autoimmune problems. It was said to my mother 40 + years ago that my eczema could have a connection with the strong family history of thyroid problems. I am sure that I am predisposed to autoimmune disorders and maybe high stress levels do not help.
I have used alternative therapies to try to bring my body 'back into balance'. I think that helped my hair grow back first time around, but who knows for sure!
Comment by Lionel on March 28, 2011 at 5:26pm
Oh yes that is interesting, I have had asthma all my life as well. But I think that stress + AA causes my hair to fall out, if I'm stressed that my hair starts falling out again because of the combination of the two. But I'm curious about that book!
Comment by Elizabeth on March 28, 2011 at 7:54pm
Lionel, yes, I lost all of my hair for the first time in the beginning of 2007 and in the spring of 08 I started working out with out a wig, changed my diet to 6 small meals a day, soaked in a hot tub 2 times a day, supplemented, and rubbed this stuff on my head, within 6 months I had re-grown about 80% of my hair and by the end of the year I was in a relationship. A year after that, I was completely bald again.
Comment by Noel on March 28, 2011 at 9:50pm
That's so interesting, Anna and Lionel. Actually, my brother (who does not have alopecia) has asthma and allergies. Is there a connection between all of our collective auto-immune disorders? Hmmm....I want to read this book so bad!
And, Lionel, I totally understand that wicked combination of stress + AA. Or, how about that even wickeder stress from worrying about AA + normal, daily living stress + AA! Ahhh!
Also, Anna, I'm curious about the alternative therapies you have been trying. You and Elizabeth should start a blog about it! :)
Comment by Anna from Yorkshire on March 29, 2011 at 2:59am
Noel - I started that blog!
Comment by Hope on March 29, 2011 at 9:02pm
I have also heard that stress can possibly have a connection for some people??? I don't know what to believe on the matter, because I had spots off and on my whole childhood...which shouldn't have been to stressful? But when I was pregnant with my son, I started losing it like crazy and by the time he was 6months old, I had to wear a wig and this was such a happy time in my life....(of course, without dealing with the alopecia!!)


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