So lately my hair has been growing back as you may have read in one of my previous blogs, and it's been getting better and better. I hadn't really paid so much attention to my hair when it was growing back at first (not so much that I was obsessed with growing it back), but lately I have been paying more attention to it because now I can visibly keep track on the regrowth, and that's fun!
I have a hair-line again at the front of my head again, and I've produced myself a milimetered mohawk. At the sides it's coming back again too, it's still fresh, blonde, soft hair, but so was the rest of it which is dark, stronger hair now so I'm keeping my hopes up.
And for the last two weeks I've been on vacation so didn't shave it for a bit more than two weeks, and it's been growing like crazy! When I got back yesterday I took off my wig and showed my dad my real hair (I was on vacation with my girlfriend and parents so my dad didn't see me for two weeks) he was ecstatic! Then I realised how much I've been growing back and made me happier too. This is what it looks like now:

I don't really know why it's suddenly growing back again, maybe there is no real explanation for it, but I think it's (partly) because I've been letting out all sorts of emotions that I had never allowed to come out for the last couple of months, and also by always keep thinking positively. My girlfriend has been very supportive of me with that and all other stuff that has to do with alopecia, so she's helped me during the 'fallout times' and now in the 'regrowth times'. Guess it's not strange that I'm friggin' happy with her.
So now I'm not going to shave my hair again and wait for it all to return. And then I'm going to try every hairstyle, hehe. But for the time being I'm just going to keep walking around with my mohawk =)
I'll be keeping track of my regrowth by taking pictures of it once in a while and upload it on my profile.
So remember all, be and think positive and you may get your desired result! (lol, sounds like a very bad tell-sell salesman)
Au revoir/Bye/Ciao/Houdoe/Tot ziens/Later
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