My most recent Blog - an update to my daughter's condition.

I paid almost a million dollars for my daughter’s new hair – well maybe not quite a million, but close!

August 2010

I first noticed her eyelashes were missing and assumed that because I have alopecia that so did she.

Early-Oct. 2010
Her hair was beginning to thin quickly – the hairline was getting higher and higher.
I realized that we were no longer assuming that it was alopecia; it is trichotillomania.

Late-Oct. 2010

Jan. 13, 2011
As you can see I trimmed her hair into a ‘pixie cut’ and some days she wears a hat. We recently purchased her first (and hopefully last) wig.

Views: 310

Comment by Tallgirl on January 14, 2011 at 12:13pm
She looks very happy! Cute!
Comment by Angie on January 14, 2011 at 11:46pm


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