Sandi Walmsley
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  • Victoria
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  • Frank Pratt
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  • Daria
  • LeslieAnn Butler
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  • Zoe Dusting
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About Me:
Married, mother of 2. Have had all forms of alopecia from areata to universalis and I am now in "remission"? I have about 95% of my hair back.
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Sandi Walmsley's Blog

The million dollar 'do'

Posted on January 14, 2011 at 12:46am 2 Comments

My most recent Blog - an update to my daughter's condition.

I paid almost a million dollars for my daughter’s new hair – well maybe not quite a million, but close!


August 2010

I first noticed her eyelashes were missing and assumed that because I have alopecia that so did she.…


To cut or not to cut - that is the question

Posted on November 29, 2010 at 11:35pm 0 Comments

My daughter's trich continues and her hairline continues to get higher and higher. As you can see from these pictures, there is not much left of the back of her hair - it's strip about 1 inch wide at the back. The top of her hair - if I bunch it together - is about 2.5 inches wide.

Her hair is getting to the point where it's starting to look awkward.

Side of Head

Back of Head with hair pulled up just to show how thin… Continue

"Mom, can I get this hair brush for my birthday?"

Posted on November 14, 2010 at 2:16pm 6 Comments

So it's been about 3 months since I first noticed my daughter's hair coming out/thinning. Her pony tail is getting higher and higher. It now begins about 4" above the nape of her neck and about 2" above her ears on both sides. Dr. said it is probably good that she wears a pony tail and a hair band every day or she'd probably be pulling from the top of her head too. Right now if she wears her hair down you can't really tell that there's hair missing. I think trich is so interesting...the pulling… Continue

It's all beginning to make sense now - things happen for a reason

Posted on October 22, 2010 at 11:41pm 3 Comments

When I say that things happen for a reason, I honestly believe it.

In my last post(s) I mention how my daughter has alopecia too...turns out, she most likely has trichotillomania (trich for short) ( instead.

My beautiful girl is pulling her hair out by the handfulls - think of the width of a pencil - that's how much comes out with each tug. We are finding it behind the… Continue

No big deal - continued

Posted on September 7, 2010 at 11:17pm 1 Comment

...Now to continue with my previous post, No big deal - hair is just an accessory in life

I took my daughter to the doctor last week and she confirmed that the thinning on the back of her head is too symetrical to be anything other than alopecia. She has a 1.5 inch band of hair missing at the nape of her neck, which looks like it might extend up towards her temple area on both sides of her head - this would be similar to when I had this stage and the dermatologist called it 'ophasis'… Continue

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At 3:59pm on November 15, 2010, Niina said…
Hey Sandi!
Thanks for answer my friend request!
Today I had a very bad hair fell out again:(...came home and was surfing at Alopecia world!I found you and was so impressed by you´re story!I have to tell you that you look so beautiful in both ways...bald and with hair! I hope you hair will stay now for longer!I keep crossing my fingers;)
Thanks for you story, I felt much better after reading!!!
Greetings from Germany!Nina
At 6:52pm on July 1, 2010, Sandi Walmsley said…
It's been such a long time since I've posted on this site...

Some of you have asked if I still have my hair: I continue to have all my hair - in fact, I just had it cut really short and dyed a darker colour for the first time in my life...why not. I created "mohawk monday' and 'fohawk friday' at the office for a bit of fun.

I've been in "remission" (?) for about 7 years now. Really the only thing that I can think of that is different in my life is hormones...when I was younger I was on the b/c pill and then I was pregnant two times after getting married. Those are the times when I had hair problems (*crosses fingers*). In health, hair and happiness - Sandi
At 2:07pm on July 28, 2009, Craig S said…
..just wondering how long you had AU before your remission mode? Sounds very interesting! THanks and regards,

At 4:44pm on October 8, 2008, Zoe Dusting said…
Hey Sandi!
I live in Victoria too! Do you know Fay Melling? Do you ever go to support groups here? Looking forward to hearing from you!
At 7:54pm on May 26, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Sandi,
Are you still keeping your hair? How's it going?
At 11:35am on April 13, 2008, Daria said… it on I got one for myself too..."everyone loves a bald girl!"

I think hormones DO play a huge factor in this...I know people who don't have alopecia who have hair gain/hair loss before and after pregnancy. I swear, the things we go through!!!!
At 3:03pm on April 2, 2008, Sandi Walmsley said…
Hi everyone, I had spotty patches for a while (starting in 1996), which turned in to a type the dr called "ophiasis" which was a 1-inch band missing all around the hairline (entire head). I had this for a while (maybe about a year), along with no eyelashes or eyebrows. Then a while later I gave birth to my 1st child (a daughter) and about 6-8 months after that tramatic experience is when I lost all of my body hair (100% loss). Then about a year later I got pregnant with my 2nd child (son) and it started to regrow when I was about 3-4 months pregnant. It started to re-grow on my head (only) in the nice form of a mohawk (no kidding)...the mohawk gradully grew downwards to cover my entire head. Luckily enough it grew into a hairstyle. Gradually over a period of about 3-4 years I regained about 80-90% of my hair (entire body) back. There are still some sections on my legs that I don't have back. Hormones? Not sure? I've never done any treatments in any form. I wore wigs, which I've since figured out were probably more for the benefit of others than myself. I found that people were uncomfortable if I wasn't wearing one...
At 2:18pm on April 2, 2008, Cindy said…
Hi Sandi, Congrats on your remission...I too am curious if you did not anything to help it come back and how long have you been dealing with your Aleopica? I have a 6 year old with AA and at the moment she is now AT.6 months ago she still had hair and lashes and brows..AA is getting me down, but not HER....Cindy
At 12:05pm on April 2, 2008, Daria said…
Hi Sandi. First of all, welcome. Secondly, just out of curiosity...did you do anything in particular for the hair to come back, or did it just come back on it's own? I lost all mine 10 years ago and it came back with prednisone. I lost it all again last year but I'm no longer taking the meds and don't want to. I'm just curious if it might still come back although it's universalis right now....
At 9:51am on April 2, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Sandi, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Take the time to reach out to other and give your input on the forums. Take what you need from this site, you will find it will do you well.



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