ok soo i have alopecia i was dianosed at the age of 7 and ive had it ever since then... thourgh the years of having this coniditon or "disease" as some people may say...i have been thorugh alot and i mean alot i know most of the people understand what i mean when say ALOT between the people around me that use to constantely pick at me calling me things such as freak,baldie, ugly,patchie(the worest one ever!),mistakeing my gender,making fun of me for wearing femine looking outfits,getting told to get out of the womens bathroom,the constant feeling that someone is stareing at me....and then those painful steroids to stemulate the hair growth..since i was in elemetry school i remember wishing to find someone like me that truely understands how i feel and what i have been going thorugh well i wished and wished and wished and it didnt work and then one day i thought it came true my first year of high school at booker high i met someone with alopecia he was a senior i was a fresh man when i started Booker high i was wearing my wig..i didnt wanna be picked on anymore so i got another wig before the new school year started...i saw this boy walking around campuas that didnt have any hair and i wondered if he had alopecia cuz to me it sure looked like he did...so after a week or so one of the people that became a good friend ask me about my hair .they said they abosultely LOVED my hair(i felt like a lie) and i told them it was a wig and she understood and then i told her of my condition and she replied that there was a student in my high school....that had it his Name was..Jack..i was soo happy i thought my prayers have finllay been anwsered...i ran home from my bus stop that day and told my mom that i finally found someone...the next few dayz i was too shy and scared to inroduce myself and one day i saw him walking with another girl that i had been talking to her name was chantel jacks best friend..she was walking behide me and i ran away i notice jack was with her and i was too shy and scared she caught up with me and introduce us..that was the best day ever!!!! the next day i was standing in the cornt yard and he came up to me and started talking he ask me if it was true..that i had alopecia and im like yeah i do and i told him that the hair i had was a wig and (thats when i had like half and eye brow lol and i was covering it up with my hair) so i showed him. and well after that we hung out everyday and we talked he wanted to write a book we talked about..stuff we could do and stuff we wanted to do...i gave him stuff that i used for my alopecia..like hot oil tretments one day i decided to go to school without my wig but before i did that i had to shave my head cuz i was loseing my hair again....so i did it i went bald for the frist time i felt like i could do it cuz i wasnt alone anymore.. he was proud of me and all.. he thought i was brave,months went by and i started to devlop feelings for him he was my crush lol my little secret..one day he told he liked me too i thought maybe we could start a relinship but i was wrong he lead me on and acted like he liked me it wasnt true he was just lieing he was first kiss after awhile i would notice that would ignore me , he wouldnt listen to me or what i was saying he would forget things that we talked about cuz he wasnt listeing,after all this he started opening up again...and telling me thngs telling me that it meant alot to him that i shared what he had and thats when he kissed me i was blown away i thought he actally like me i dunno i liked him he was 17 im 15 (gonna be 16 apirl 1st)but then i found that he had a gf all along and was leading me on he talked crap about me said bad things about me but not to me....i left the school becuz of him,i put all my trust in him i thought someone that has been though soo much wouldnt do that to me and he did he did it.my frist love broke my heart..broke it into pices i didnt wanna leave the school cuz he was the only one i knew...BUT now im a little better my hairs growin back i know it wont stay in but its a worth a try and now im happey cuz i found this amazing wed site with hundreds and hundreds of people like me <33333 sorry its so long i had to get if off my chest what do you thnk??? and sorry if its a bit confusing

Views: 10

Comment by Joy on March 28, 2010 at 9:12pm
Welcome to AW. This is a great place for support and friends. Your blog was great..you really shared your feelings well. You are definitely not alone here!!
Comment by Pat Latina on March 29, 2010 at 7:11pm
Welcome to Alopecia World. You will soon meet great people and true friends here. Thanks for sharing your feelings. U R not ALONE.
Comment by Clara S. on March 29, 2010 at 9:34pm
Hi Ashley, Welcome to AW and thanks for sharing your feelings! I'm sorry that you went through something so horrible emotionally but now you have found tons of people like you and you will have a lot of support. Take care!
Comment by Steve Wonder on March 30, 2010 at 5:37am
Hi Ash, we are in the same boat. Having this alopecia is the worse nightmare in my life till I ever thought of committing suicide and cried my heart out every night I got very emotionally affected. I am still hoping and searching for cure to it. Recently I went for homeopathy and acupuncture treatments. I pray to God for miracle.
Comment by dawn on March 30, 2010 at 1:36pm
hi ashley, thanks for your sharing, which is exactly the same as what I had when I was young, those mistaken gender, staring by people and the nick names. I didn't like wear dresses, because I felt I was not pretty and no one like me. But this is not true, we are pretty, we need to love ourselves more than anyone else.
Comment by Lisa Santer on March 30, 2010 at 2:44pm
HI Ashley. Thanks for sharing your feelings. I'm sorry you've gone through such hard times. I'm also sorry that Jack got confused about the value of your connection with each other. I like that you titled this post "The Past." Your present is already different than your past. I'm glad you found this site filled with so many different kinds of people with alopecia. I hope you take this chance to see that many of us have joyous lives filled with love, meaningful paid and volunteer work, and laughter--and you can too.


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