Sometimes there is nothing left to do but laugh.

The story so far...

Hair falling out
= sadness
= search for solution

Enter minoxidil
= tiny hairs on head
but more hair on face... sigh

More hair falling out
= more sadness
= more searching for solution

Enter Toppik
= some camouflage


solution 1 + 2
= Tiny but mighty beard/sideburn/ freaky thing.
bahahahahahahahah .

Oh universe...a break when you see fit please

Views: 12

Comment by Michelle L on May 30, 2010 at 11:07am
I SO get you! Minoxidil made my hair FALL OUT but I grew a BEAUTIFUL moustache and, well, how shall I put beautician nearly passed out when it came to my bikini area. *lol*

But here's the thing, the Universe didn't give me Cancer to make my hair fall out. It didn't give me any sickness at all. Last time I checked, I was VERY healthy (and sporting a very healthy Mo) and able to be there for my kids and enjoy my martial arts and be me.

SO - I guess the Universe has cut us a break...if we look past Alopecia and see the bigger picture.

Hey, today I got to have hair halfway down my back for half the day, and then a chic bob for the afternoon. Who, without Alopecia gets to do that?!

Comment by Scaredandhopeful on June 1, 2010 at 7:16am
hahaha awesome I'm looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it's strike two where wigs are concerned the universe (which apparently has a sense of humour) put my candle out, but hey I'm soooooo unbelievably prepared for round three :)
Comment by Michelle L on June 1, 2010 at 9:00am
Please private message me with your mobile number (you're in Sydney, right?) so I can call you and we can chat. I have had such good experiences with wigs and I REALLY want you to have the same. I'll send you my mobile # and feel free to call me


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