So did I find a wig?
Unfortunately not. Nothing was exactly right.

So what did I find?
Unbelievable peace of mind. The road ahead is long and I'm so far away from being where I want to be but today I felt I turned my attention to the right road.
The wrong road is where I am currently, driving full speed, it is where I feel ashamed about the hair loss, where I feel like it is all my fault somehow, like I did something wrong. That I will somehow be judged as less than human for having hair loss. But...
This is not something I chose, I did not pick alopecia. I did not pick androgenic alopecia or what ever form of hair loss I have. It is murky and unclear. It does not make me any less feminine. I have something genetic that makes some hairs on my head more susceptible to circulating androgens. Stress exacerbates these. Auto immune of sorts Something in my bod reacting unfavourably with something else in my body that I have less control over. Do you judge someone harshly for diabetes?

The right road: accepting that this is happening to me, and that is has, does not make me any less feminine or entitled to anything less that I deserve. And what I feel most entitled to is happiness and fulfilling relationships with those I love. And having courage. Courage to move past something that is without doubt the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me. ANd to have faith. Faith that I can pull myself out of this. That I am resiliant enough to deal with things that may come to pass.

That is the right road, the hard road, and the road I am willing to attempt.

That is what I got from my wig experience today

Thank you thank you thank you

Views: 5

Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 27, 2010 at 4:34pm
Wow! I read your post now like 3 times!
I feel soo much the same most of the time ( your first paragraph),I haven't gotten to the wig part yet however.
I'm so happy you had a wonderful experience today!!!
I hope that very soon I too can feel that way and have the faith, and think more positive.
God Bless
Comment by Robbi on May 27, 2010 at 8:45pm
I admire your perseverance and strength! What a great outlook you have, esp. following a first wig experience; a task that can be both challenging and daunting. Your words of courage are inspirational, not only to first-timers, but even to folks like me ( I really love your line about the diabetes comparison as well. Isn't it so true that virtually no one looks upon diabetes or other diseases through judging eyes?
Comment by Pamela Rosse on May 27, 2010 at 9:19pm
Your words & courage my Alopecian Sister make my heart soar like a hawk.
You are not alone on this road, as we travel it I hope I pass or see you for I will wave & say hello my sister, you are a strong & beautiful keep up & continue your faith.
Comment by Michelle L on May 28, 2010 at 10:05am
yay! I am so proud of you Priya!
I am sorry you didn't find the right wig, but I am so thrilled that you have decided to face this and shed such a positive light on it. I hardly know you, but from what I do know so far, you are divine and funny and wonderful. Get out there and show the world your beautiful self



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