Faking it till I make it.

That is my way out of this depressive I find myself wallowing in. I have been inspired by any on this site but most recently by Mish you is optimism personified. I want a piece of cake she is eating. A large slice of that cake :)

I am sick to death of letting 200 hundered bit of dead keratin wafting around me rule my day. I am more than my hair, I have so much to give this world, but if I let the hair be the focus then I will fail. I am going to let myself mourn for the hair I am losing but that will be it, I will not mourn for the life that could have been in 50 years time. I have seen too much in the contrary on this site. People, everyday people, living fulfilling lives enriched by the fact that they won the battle against themselves, and we can be our harshest critics.

So I have an appointment to look at wigs. This is a big step for me, as I always thought wigs would be admitting defeat. SUddenly I find, it could be my freedom. My victory :)

Wishing myself luck.

And letting me love myself for the person I am and the person I can be.

Views: 1

Comment by Scaredandhopeful on May 26, 2010 at 7:18am
spelling and grammar shall be tackled next :P
Comment by Jenna4 on May 26, 2010 at 9:08am
Good luck with the wig shopping! Hopefully you will find peace with it. For me, once I started wearing my wig, I no longer had to worry all day about what people might see. After wearing the wig for 2 weeks, I decided my hair wasn't doing anything for me any longer and decided to shave it off - and was/am so glad I did. Shaving was so liberating and I no longer obsessed about my hair falling out. Baby steps...give yourself time to adjust to each step and there is no rush. I found that I was the only one putting pressure on me.

I hope to get to the point where I am compelte open and honest about my alopecia and can then start REALLY having fun with it! I want to wear a different wig every day depending on my mood, or just strip it off if I get too hot. Not there yet, but trying like heck to get there!

Make sure you post pics of your new wig if/when you buy one!!
Comment by Natalie on May 26, 2010 at 5:33pm
Good luck! Keep on smiling. You will most likely look back on this in the future and realize what a strong person it has made you. Have fun wig shopping!!
Comment by Clara S. on May 26, 2010 at 9:32pm
I love my wigs! It takes some getting used to but once I got used to it, I can never get enough! Have fun with shopping for the right wig!
Comment by pat j madden on May 29, 2010 at 2:51am
I will not mourn for the life that could have been in 50 years.That quote will stay with me for a long time.
Thanks scary


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