I thought that this therapy would help me out in dealing with my alopecia amongst other issues in my life , yesterday I filled out a form and had no clue I was gonna be rated on it, today I got the paper back and for depression I got 'SEVERE and for anxiety I got "SEVERE" I start to wonder If I will get over this and how long will it take? can anyone relate to this problem?

Nervous me

Views: 6

Comment by Tallgirl on May 25, 2011 at 9:54pm
No one can predict how long. How long did it take you to come to your feelings? It is hard to say, right? When we do those forms for students (I am a teacher), the therapist also looks at answers from the student and the parent. Then, when they see some answers coming up over and over, they know what meds to give or change, what topics to address, or what therapy changes to make. Perhaps once the crisis period is over and you make changes in your way of dealing with your world and become more positive and relaxed in what you say, do and feel, then you will become clearer on how to do it by yourself. It is not an overnight thing.
Comment by BTB (John) on May 26, 2011 at 12:29am
Healing from any physical injury depends on the individual the same with emotional injury we all heal at different rates we have evolved to be the same but in so also different in so many ways. I believe counseling is an important to any individual that is in a painful place, when we are lost we need to guide to find our way out, a counselor is a guide a help us find our way out of our emotional wilderness. I have been to counseling and I am a trained counselor and have found both sides of the desk to be healing. Depression is a real condition and we I think cant rely on faith and false hope to deal with it we need medical treatment as with any disease I have never seen a broken leg healed by faith and I have never seen a broken person healed by faith. I have seen people healed because they put in the hard yards and followed their therapists advice and one of those people is me. I was diagnosed with clinical depression after many years serving in Law Enforcement went into a dark world where things were very bad but a very good therapist and a lot of effort I saw the light of a better place and I continue to work at staying in that better place. Your in for a tough time and there will be set backs and further pain but I think the fact you are brave enough to discuss your situation on here is proof your ready to do whats necessary for you to find a peaceful outcome. John
Comment by R0BB on May 26, 2011 at 7:05am
Hi Lisa -

Look , As cliche' as it may seem , the fact that youve made the giant step forward to recieve therapy and your depression and axiety has been addressed - you have made a significant movement in the right direction.

Ive got some depression
and anxiety.

So does the guy down the street
and the majority of our society.

Ive followed your postings and you have continued to move forward in a more positive healthy direction in the past couple months or so.

Suck it up and keep doing what youre doing.
Youre gonna be terrific
Youre gonna designate your own future.

It wont be easy , but it will become easier .

Keep it up .


Comment by Heather L on May 26, 2011 at 8:48am
Sorry you are having such a tough time! There is no start or finish line when it comes to our emotional health - just be patient with yourself and deal with it one day at a time. Stick with the therapy and reaching out for help, I agree with Robb you are making a big step in the right direction.

Keeping you in my thoughts!
Comment by Pat on May 30, 2011 at 2:02am
Lisa, when we start churning that sludge at the bottom of the bucket we rake up all sorts of crap that we've stuffed down and not dealt with until something like alopecia comes out of the blue and we realise we can't do it alone anymore. It's gonna be a rough ride but worth every bump! We can get through most things one day at a time [sometimes one minute at a time] that would crumple us into a tight ball if we thought it was going to be a lifetime.


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