My mum is constantly looking for something that doesn't have any harmful side-effects that might be able to help get rid of my alopecia, and she recently came across thymuskin. Apparently it helps the thymus in someway (lost the piece of paper but will look for it lol) by providing nutrients and helping create antibodies that the body needs. It says it can take 9-12 months to work so I am going to try it for my mum because it can't hurt and it smells like vanilla! So I will post some pics on my profile as I go along and see what happens. Either way I thought it might be nice to be a guinea pig for everyone else. Also I would be interested in hearing from anyone that religiously followed the directions and whether or not they saw any results or not.


Views: 100

Comment by Lillian (Tracy-mom) on January 5, 2010 at 11:55am
Hi Dielle
I just got the Thymuskin gel yesterday to put on my daughters bald spots since the cortizone cream are not stopping the spots from spreading. We just started it last night. I sure hope it works. This morning I found a brand new spot the size of a marble on her head. UGH!! Let's compare notes. Many people are skeptical about these products and I even put off buying it for 8 months. I refuse to give up though until I've tried everything, so long as it isn't harmfull to her health. Good Luck!!
Comment by Dielle on January 5, 2010 at 2:25pm
I have a thyroid condition right now anyways so I figured it would at least help that if nothing else so we will see. I plan on posting some before pictures in a couple of days and then more if I start seeing some progress. If this doesn't work then I am going to try the Dr.Shonen? products that a couple of people have had success with. Good luck to you too!


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