Hi! I'm Julie. I'm 17 years old and a Senior in high school. Pretty new to this. Never blogged, but "facebook-ed" plenty of times :D hahaI've had alopecia totalis for 14 years now. I never wanted anyone to know that I had this condition.
When I was in elementary, kindergarten to 6th grade, I always hid under my little white hat. I got teased, I always wanted to stay home. Since 4th grade I've been afriad of what others thought of me. 5th grade someone asked if I had cancer because their parent thought I did. I was like, you're kidding me right? Just because someone wears a hat they automatically have cancer?
After 6th grade I thought it over, I was gonna wear wigs. They itched a bit, but I got over it. I felt "normal", only a few of my new close friends knew and those who went to elementary school with me knew as well. Everything was fine until 8th grade.
8th grade was when I had my first boyfriend. Things were going great, but then one girl told him about me and my condition. She didn't know the story so she shouldn't have ran her mouth. She told him that I had a "hair transplate." When I told him the truth he ended our relationship. It was whatever. Because of that I never told another boyfriend my condition. Then sophomore year another found out. I told him, he stayed. I thought, finally there's someone nice enough to be with me, there was hope. A year later that ended. Hope was gone. All my experiences of having alopecia frightened me, made me a timid insecure girl. I don't like meeting new people, I don't like public speaking, I don't like when people stare, I just don't like many things.
Since I'm a Senior we have to do a culminating project on a career choice, a hobbie, anything. I chose alopecia. When I told people what I was doing they all asked the same question, "What's that?" I hope with this project I can educate those who don't know about alopecia. Today I confessed, I over came my worst fear. In a one minute practice speech, I let my peers know that I had alopecia. I was terrified of going upfront and speaking, but more terrified of letting people know. I didn't know what they were gonna say. Luckily, they said nothing. I felt like part of a huge weight has been lifted. I still hide behind fear, hopefully it won't run my life after this year. That's all for now :)
I hope you like my first 'blog' (:
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