My best friend called me earlier today to let me know that her husband noticed a video on MSNBC that talked about Alopecia. He thought I might want to see it. I found it, and I thought I would share with you all. It mostly talks about Alopecia Areata, and it tells a young girl's story. It also mentions an organization that helps young children with hair loss from medical reasons. I think it aired on the TODAY Show recently, but I don't know when. Here is the link to view it...
Or try...
I am very curious to hear what people on here have to say about this segment. I watched it and had a lot of thoughts about it. But I don't have AA so I feel a little uneducated to respond. I will say I know what Hair Club is - it's historically called Hair Club for Men but now it's called Hair Club for Men and Women. They love the biomatrix concept but its just a fancy way of saying bonded hair. So if a person likes the idea of bonded hair, then the biomatrix is for them. But Hair Club is very expensive and most people (aside from the children they help) can get bonded hair systems for much cheaper.
Thanks for sharing Alliegator! You're sure up early! :-)
I am as well. Oh, I didn't realize that Hair Club for Kids was the same as the Hair Club for Men. I get so annoyed with their commercials. Thank you for clarifing that the biomatrix concept is bonded hair! I did a Google search for biomatrix, but I could not find anything. I wasn't sure if it was bonded or a different kind of "Freedom Wig". They should have given more details about it.
You're welcome! I was up playing the Kinect with my little brother, and I remembered that I wanted to post the link. :)
Exactly Cindy...on the biometric system. Many people like bonded hair but I stand by the idea you can find better than there. That's just me. I know that often dermatologists come across as 'it will grow back if you do what we say.' Err...yeah. I think the problem with dermatologists is they are too detached and clinical. THey read all their papers on a topic instead of observing what 'real' people are going through. The other thing I am seeing is the data on hair loss, regrowth, what kind of hair loss people have, ages, is just not being collected. It's pretty hard to have such definitive statements on the topic without data...yet they prattle on don't they.
Hey guys, I just found this post while looking online to find that Today Show Segment online... because its me! I'm that girl on the segmant. I realise this is odd commenting on something you posted, what, 2 years ago? But I wanted to tell you guys who have questions about the segmant. Me, and my entire family agrees with you that the segmant was very confusing and showed it as if the piece was some miracle, or made my hair grow back. Not at all! It is "just another wig" in many ways, except it gets glued on. However, this hair piece did change my life in a lot of ways. I could swim with it, style it, and at least feel for a few moments a day like I had hair. It may not be the right choice for some people, but for a young freshman girl in highschool, being as normal as possibly is something to strive for. So, that is why I chose this piece over a regular wig. And of course I have struggles with it, I even struggle DAILY if I should even wear it anymore, but don't count these Hair Club pieces out just because of some peoples bad reviews, or this confusing segmant. If you want a TV segmant with a little more detail that is less confusing, you can watch the one on KTVB News! http://www.ktvb.com/news/Boise-teen-goes-on-Today-Show-to-talk-abou...
It's you! Wow, nice to meet you. I can see why you wanted to go that route! I like to say that people should do what makes them feel best so if that worked for you, and made you feel best then you go girl! We all have to find what works best for us. Thank you for posting the link, I will watch it!
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