Just keeping everyone updated on my therapy for those that read it.
Today we dealt with negativity and I thought I would be ok but I just couldn't cope with it as that is my worst ever is negativity, as a young child I was used to everyone coming and going out of my life and now I worry that now that I am bald my negativity is this," how long will it take before my husband gets sick of looking at me bald? so naturally I shed some tears today I couldn't hold it back, it was the worst discussion I've ever had to deal with.
I stayed later and did a one on one with a social worker and she said it gets worst before it gets better.
Next week I am in another group focusing on the same thing until I get it through my head that negativity includes the way you act and your feelings.

not so happy today but hope tomorrow is a better day for me!

Lisa (sad)

Views: 5

Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 19, 2011 at 8:05pm
Ty Leonore, I will keep going no matter how much pain I need to go through to reach the top!
Comment by Pat on May 19, 2011 at 11:30pm
So it's triggering your abandonment issues and thats bound to bring up all sorts of valid feelings...you have to feel them to move through them and it will be as scary as hell! Hang in there, you are showing such courage!
Comment by Pamela Rosse on May 20, 2011 at 7:31pm
Oh boy that negativity, it has a way of creeping up & biting one square on the ass.
I started seeing my counselor after losing my hair, I needed tools to help deal with my loss. It's like grieving, but you will get through, your at a tough part, one thing I learned, as I had the same fear as you, I found how strong our commitment to each other was & is, how much stronger our love has gotten, as my husband said, would you leave me if the situation was reversed? Would you love me less if the situation were reversed? No,
was my answer, well there you have it. So my friend, there you have it, trust in your love & your commitment to each other, let your husband lend you some strength. Love is stong, remember you are beautiful, a beatuful, strong, lovely alopecian woman.
Comment by BTB (John) on May 20, 2011 at 7:39pm
I never sick of looking at Pat after 42 years hair or no hair she is still the most attractive woman I have evr met I am more surprised she wants to look at me. Therapy is tough it's where we face our fears and your courageous for doing so. John


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