I have been in Maui now for 3 days with my husband, son and his girlfriend. I am blessed to have such a caring family -they have embraced my hairless head! I had a "fun" moment yesterday --in the rough surf, playing in the waves my bandana came off...after I let out a yelp I embraced the waves and sun on my bald head!! Break through moment for me. I have only had a shaven head since mid January (diagnosed with AA beginning of January). I am sure people were staring....oh well....I had a great day at the beach:)

Views: 5

Comment by Norm on February 15, 2011 at 1:19pm
We'll all be watching out for you in the next episode of Hawaii 5-0.... you'll be in the credits as "Bald Woman Chasing Bandana"
Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday.... you do realise that now you have to send postcards to everyone on here, doncha?? :)
Comment by Tracy on February 15, 2011 at 1:33pm
I am so HAPPY to have a place to share my little stories and receive comments that are supportive and make me LAUGH!! Thanks Norm:)
I am working up to a picture......
Comment by Norm on February 15, 2011 at 1:40pm
Aw c'mon, I'm jealous enough already, stuck here in cold, rainy England... don't start posting pix of sunny, surfy Hawaii!!! (Congrats on not giving (much of a) damn, by the way!) :)
Comment by Petra on February 15, 2011 at 4:30pm
I think I saw that episode of Hawaii 5-0 :-) Congrats on embracing the moment.
Comment by liselle on February 15, 2011 at 5:45pm
what????...... I never got that invite to Maui!!!! LOL
I will check my mail box again.
I actually bet it felt wonderful in the water without the bandana.... so free...


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