VERY FRUSTRATED!! Maybe someone can help.

Ok here's the deal....

I found a great hair piece that really feels comfortable and looks great...BUT... it was very, very, very expensive! Since I am a single mom and have hardly any money, this was a big deal!

I am trying soooo hard to keep this hair piece in good condition cause it will be awhile before i can get a new one.

So here's the problem......My lifestyle wasn't designed to have a wig on my head. I love to go hiking, bike riding, swimming, to the beach, get dirty, and have a good time with my five year old. If I do all those things my wig will be ruined in about a month!!!! And that's $4,000 down the drain!!!!

What am i supposed to do???? Not live my life???? I am soo upset....

I refuse to go out with nothing on my head, so that is not an option. I also go out with friends and lots of people so I don't want to buy a cheap wig that is soo noticeably different than my nice one. Are there any wigs out there for sale that aren't too terribly expensive, that looks natural, and are light weight for outdoor activities??


Views: 15

Comment by Tallgirl on February 15, 2009 at 10:56pm
A good wig shop should have a lot of variety for you to try on, or order in the same color as your expensive wig. Take a trip to Citrus Heights or Carmichael, CA or other cities with decent selections/stylists to help you. These synthetic wigs can be obtained for $90-$250, with 10% discount for women with Alopecia. Good shops with sensitive philosophies have private rooms to try on wigs.
Comment by Alexis on February 16, 2009 at 2:16pm
hey ur insurance can cover the cost of ur wigs on most lace front wig websites they have an option of insurance, but it has to be for alopecia/cancer (obviously) and you have to say its for a cranial prothesis (sp?) not a wig! is a good place to start i cant remember some of the other websites
Comment by Rebeka on February 16, 2009 at 5:36pm
I bought a wig for $350 and it is a nicer synthetic. While real hair wigs are really flexible, many wig shops have a wide variety and I found it easy to find a synthetic wig that looked just as nice as the really expensive wigs that I tried on. The salon told me that this wig should last about 6 months, and it's been 8 months and it still looks great. I wear it almost every day to work, I get busy so I have literally run with it on, and I have very little issues with it falling off. Wigs with a monofilament top look the most natural because you can change the part and may be your best option if you are super sensitive about it. Also, as long as you wash the wig regularily (once very few weeks) it should still hold up okay. Also there are some websites (try that have a lot of full coverage hat and wig options. At that website, they do have swim caps (that women with hair wear) and you can wear without your piece on if you go to the beach. With an oversize bandana on under your bike helmet, it may be hard to tell you've got a hairpiece on. The same is for a full coverage beanie for running or excersizing.

I hope this helps! Try to think outside the box as far as your coverage goes - it is possible to be discreet without a hair piece all the time! :-)
Comment by Laura on February 16, 2009 at 9:36pm
thank you guys for your advice! :)
Comment by Carrie Bell on February 17, 2009 at 12:07pm
Hi Lauren - I know your post was focused on wigs, but would you consider wearing a cap without a wig? I have lots of customers that wear my Madcapz without a wig or sometimes with a cotton skull cap underneath. I started my company because I was losing my hair (from Grave's disease, not Alopecia) and I lead a very active lifestyle and wanted something I could wear on my head when I walked, ran, played soccer, went to the beach, etc. I created fun feminine baseball caps and now, have many many customers who are women experiencing hair loss from Alopecia, chemo, or other medical conditions. You can check out my caps at and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Madcapz are machine washable, which is great if you lead an active life! Take care, Carrie
Comment by SANDRA JONES on February 17, 2009 at 3:11pm
Hi,i cant seem to find a wig to fit me, i've ordered the dixie pixie wig by raquel welch, has anyone out there had this one, if so does it stay down in the back or is it like a shelf. thanks Sandra x
Comment by Jessica on May 12, 2009 at 3:19pm
I'm like you i have 3 kids and I just got my first vacuum wig. it's very nice but i too can't afford another one anytime soon. So I have found a few synthetic wid that I can afford that's what I would do. or for fun at a water park or gym I opt for a nice scarf... forever 21 has a ton that are around 7 dollars can't beat that.

If there is one thing I 've learnd having AA is that we should put our comfort first. I am very open about it but at the same time I don't want to show my head to everyone so if changing your wig up now and then go for it. who care's if someone can tell. I take my kids to school in my short hair and after i have gone to the gym and showered i come pick them up in my long one. hey we have to have some fun with this condidtion right.


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