Wanting a child but just diagnosed with AA, is it hereditary?

Hi Everyone, my husband and I were hoping to have another child but I was just diagnosed with Alopecia in July 2009. Does anyone by any chance know if having Alopecia effect the baby? I've heard some talk that it might be hereditary. Any of you out there with Alopecia have children and did your child have Alopecia, if so at what age? Any information or input would be super helpful. Even to tell me that you have Alopecia and your children do not have AA would even be better :)

Thanks in advance,

Views: 164

Comment by M. Luk on November 14, 2009 at 9:41am
Lets take a survey here: If you have Alopecia... then did your parents have Alopecia?
Comment by Heather L on November 14, 2009 at 10:59am
Hello M Luk,

I have alopecia and both my mom and dad have a full head of hair! And no one else in my family has it. I asked my doctor about this and her belief is that what is likely hereditary is the potential for developing an
autoimmune disease but it does not have to be the same condition. I do also remember reading a statistic (sorry I do not remember where I read it- will look for it) that the chance to pass AA to your children is
about 20%. Anyone else hear that? ( which I prefer looking at this way- an 80% chance you will not pass it along! :) )
Comment by MiNAH on November 14, 2009 at 12:14pm
Go get yourself ready for that new arrival.
I hear someone calling your name "MOMMY...DADDY"
Please...for some it so appears that more than one member have it.
Yet for most it isn't the case.
Read my blogs...& then know...that no matter what...it should not matter.
You are an example of strength and should your child ever get alopecia...he or she will be fine.
Please...make plans...and go live your life as you were meant to.
Alopecia isn't a death sentance & we should all begin to embrace it.
If we keep thinking that we are are abnormal...how in the world can we change the opinion of the world?
There are too many of us with Alopecia...and we need to make it known.
We are growing in numbers and I am not going to stop living because of ignorance.
Are those your two daughters?
So beautiful...you must remember,I wrote that on a photo.
Whether you have alopecia now and didn't when you had your other kids..it makes no difference.
Either way...what ever is in our system then is the same now.
I have three kids & three grandkiddies..and they have full heads of hair.
My brothers & their kids too have plenty of hair.
My parents have plenty of hair.
For some it's genetic...for others not.
Comment by Mary on November 14, 2009 at 12:16pm
I'm the only person in my family who has any form of AA, and my AA didn't first appear until I was 47.
Comment by Carol on November 14, 2009 at 12:18pm
I have three daughters who all have wonderful hair. There is no one in the family, other than myself, with alopecia that I know of. I too have heard that there's roughly a 20% chance of a child developping alopecia however I do know a lady with three children and all four of them have alopecia. You shouldn't let alopecia stop you from having a baby. You will be able to guide them with their alopecia if it happens because you already have that experience. I'd be a little more worried about passing down a life threatening condition than just hair loss.
Comment by lisa bea on November 14, 2009 at 1:12pm
My mother-in-law has alopecia and she has 4 children and 12 grandchildren and my daughter is the only one with alopecia. There is now way of knowing whether or not your child will develop it whether you have it or not. Please go ahead and have another child, don't let having alopecia change your mind.
Comment by Carol on November 14, 2009 at 2:12pm
Aimee, the age of onset has nothing to do with it. I've had alopecia since I was a baby and my kids are all fine. Genes are genes.
Comment by Ashlie LeBlanc on November 14, 2009 at 7:47pm
I have two family members that have had times with patches of hair loss and now at 30 I have AA but my 10 year old girl has a full head of wonderful hair so I do know? Charlie and I want so badly to have another child but Im so scared that maybe being progo. would make my hair loss worst ?? Anyone have advice?
Comment by Tallgirl on November 14, 2009 at 10:58pm
There still may be a discussion on this site on this topic, with many comments.
Comment by Trish Therrien on November 15, 2009 at 12:08am
I have traced alopicia back through my family. It has run a track record of every other generation from what I can tell. That said..my daughter who is the same age now as I was when I had my first indication, has shown no signs of it.


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