I was diagnosed a month ago with AA my Docter gave me no clue what to expect. I started with one large spot and now I have more smaller spots. My scalp gets red and itchy and usually in several days a bald spot shows up. Is this what happens to anyone else? Two weeks ago I had steriod shots in the large spot it itches all the time also. I have started looking to extensions and wigs in case it gets worse. But please if anyone could give me feed back. Thank-you

Views: 21

Comment by Natalie on August 23, 2010 at 9:23pm
Hi Kimberly,
Yes, my scalp always got red and itchy and irritated right before my hair fell out. Even my eyebrows and eyelashes felt that way before the hair fell out. Hang in there and please know that you are not alone in this :) Let me know if you have any other specific questions about hair loss or steroid shots or wigs - I have been through it all and would love to help :)
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on August 23, 2010 at 9:32pm
Natalie, thank-you. The area that I had sterios shot still itches, but also feel slike the skin is being streched (I hope that makes sense) but the skin is tight not sure if that is normal or just a side effect from the shots. but as for wigs do you have any suggestions on websites to look for wigs? Thank you P.S I have seen websites that some people have trouble with their fingers so far mine(knock on wood) seem to be fine and healthy, is the nail thing random?
Comment by Kimberly Duncan on August 23, 2010 at 9:35pm
I also forgot to add the bald spots itch alot also, is this normal?
Comment by Teresa on August 23, 2010 at 11:32pm
Hi Kimberly,

I have had AA for about 15 years now and I have had luck finding very nice human hair wigs through the cancer society connections. I'm not sure what you have in your area, there is a cancer wing in the hospital near me and my mom happens to volunteer there. I connected with the "wig lady" and she had the most beautiful wigs.
Comment by Laurie Price on August 24, 2010 at 11:58am
Hi Kimberly,
When my scalp was red and itchy, I was told about jojoba oil, it really helped with the symptoms.As far as extensions they will put too much weight on the follicle. I have gotten wigs that are synthetic but I can not stress enough to make sure you get a MONO-TOP. They cost 50-100 more however they have a natural looking part and make it look less like a wig. Some wig stores can custom fit the wig to your head size. I have a petite head and most wigs that I like are average size. I go to a wig shop and find the color that I like and style, the place I used to go would cut it to the shape of my face. Now I order them from Ace wigs on line and have my stylist cut it after I fit it for my self. Once you get a style you like there are things you can do on your own. Wig stores have to charge more because they have retail space to pay for, I would suggest that you do that up front, get a wig that feels like you. The first one I bought I paid a lot for and I did not feel comfortable in it, I am short and it was not a mono top and you could tell it was a wig. I went back a week later and bought a mono top that looked like my hair at its best and walked out feeling really good. Yes they are hot, costly and take getting used to but I am glad that they are available. I have had alopecia for 10 years so if I can help let me know. I am new to this site. I am so glad that I found it.
Comment by Sandi Walmsley on August 24, 2010 at 12:50pm
a lot of the people, myself included, in the support group that i am part of have experienced red, sore spots prior to bald spot appearing. keep your head up, things will get better


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