Dear Alopeciaworld members,

I started wearing a hair system just one month ago. My dad was horrified when I told him as he is worried about the long term health effects of wearing adhesive on my scalp on a daily basis. I have also become concerned, and have started doing research.

I came across some postings and other websites and have taken notes on what chemicals and brands to avoid. Since many of you have done tons of research, can you please tell me what tapes you recommend? I am currently wearing a gfh (German brand) sports tape, and also have a waterproof gfh tape. Are these safe? The rolls have no list of ingredients on the packaging, so I have no idea. I don't even know if they are water soluble but I doubt it as I was told I could get my head wet with them on. I'm a total novice at the moment...I will try to contact gfh or do research on it on the internet but I fear that it will be difficult to find the truth.

I hope someone out there knows! Thanks for your help in advance,
Kasia Riding

Views: 85

Comment by leah on October 29, 2015 at 9:07pm
I don't know any answers, but good questions. I try when not working and doing much to give my scalp break & not wear tape. Just hat. Curious bout this point of long term effects of the tape. I do think better than glue. Hope someone here knows. Best
Comment by Alayna's dad on October 30, 2015 at 11:39am

My daughter only wares a wig at school. We use Topstick for "men". Been around for years. She has shown no adverse reactions on skin. Good reveiws on Amazon as well.She hates the glues.


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