What do you consider female pattern baldness?

What do you consider your female pattern baldness? Is it a disease? A condition? A genetic abnormality? A cosmetic inconvenience? A simple fact of life?

I am struggling to decide how I view it. On one hand, for those of us with androgenic alopecia, I am not sure our hair loss can qualify as a disease. We have female pattern balding, and as much as it sucks, is it an illness? I would never consider a balding man to be sick. So is a balding woman ill?

And in thinking about it further, since our hair loss is essentially a genetic condition, is it even accurate to view it as a situation to be modified or corrected? Or is it just a part of who we are… a way of being to be reconciled along with all of our other genetically-based traits?

I believe that most genetic traits - like eye color, body shape, skin color, height, etc. are not “conditions” or “diseases” to be corrected. They are what makes us each unique, and beyond that they are completely outside of our control. I thought I believed that genetic traits should not be rejected or lamented. But then again, hair loss is a genetic condition, and I most definitely lament mine. And of course there are genetic conditions like cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia that are considered diseases, and rightfully mourned and controlled. So where does female androgenic alopecia fit in?

I don’t know if this is “politically correct” to admit, but sometimes I find myself having feelings of jealousy for those of you with other types of alopecia, because your hair loss is so clearly a biological, medical condition. You can look to your autoimmune system as the culprit. A doctor hands you a diagnosis, your condition shows up in medical journals, your alopecia is so legit. I image somehow that it might be easier to explain and come to terms with my own hair loss if it was overtly a medical condition. Maybe that is an unfair to feel, and maybe I am totally out of line, but somehow I think it might be easier to have autoimmune hair loss over hormonal and genetic hair loss.

I guess I am still feeling like my hair loss is a genetic defect. I feel sad and depressed when I think about what it is and why I have it, as though somehow deep inside myself at the most basic level am defective or abnormal.

So, I welcome your thoughts on the subject. How do you define your hair loss to yourself? Also, how do you explain it to others?

Especially for those of you with androgenic alopecia (female pattern balding), what are others' reactions to your diagnosis?

Views: 13

Comment by Alliegator on August 17, 2010 at 10:24am
This is a good topic! I like it. I call mine a "condition", but I believe it is a genetic condition. I agree... cystic fibrosis is considered a disease so should ours be a disease as well? I think it might depend on how each person feels about it. When I mention Alopecia to people, I first say that I have a condition and typically I mention that it is genetic. I often wonder if I got it from my Dad or Mom's side. My Dad was visiting me this past weekend and I showed them my head, which I have not done since I gave myself a buzz cut. I said "look, you can tell I have a balding circle". They said yes, they could see it. I often tell myself I would like to do more research on it and read more about it.
Comment by Tiffany P on August 17, 2010 at 3:19pm
I consider it a condition because i am not sick its just genetics and when i tell poeple about it i tell them just that and frankly its pure fact poeple lose hair as they age just not as fast and not to extent as we do. I dont envy other poeples hairloss because hairloss is hairloss and i didnt want to lose my hair at all but it is what it is. I still have my bad moments but i am trying to find the right solution for me and plan to move on with life.


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