Finallly decided to have a great time and have some wine, Feels quite good and takes away some of my pain that I feel. You see I dont only have alopecia but i have dealt with many turmoils over my life since the age of 2, and I supose I just can't understand why God keeps putting me through all this turmoil in life.All I ever wanted as child is to live a normal life and it's just not happening!
Now I am an adult trying to deal with the pain of no hair.sometimes it's ok but other times I feel very ashamed of myself, why is that?
I know I keep posting blogs but your comforting words help me get through the day
feeling very sad now and wish thre was a miracle,,WHERE IS GOD?????

so sad right now

Views: 8

Comment by Tallgirl on April 15, 2011 at 11:32pm
God is the voice within. You will get used to it after many years.
Comment by R0BB on April 16, 2011 at 10:52am
Hi Lisa - Cheers !!! And dont forget all the great fabulous foods you should enjoy with your various wine selections !!

' Salute
Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 16, 2011 at 2:32pm
It's ok to have a few bad days, just don't let it fester long. I too have come from a tough childhood. Bullied in school and not just because of my alopecia. I suffered a long 3+ year of being suicidal depressed. And many other suicidal thoughts. Which I'm only now speaking coming out and talking about. Mind you only here. But the most important thing I have come to understand is the true loves of your life (of friends and family) will always be there for you. And I truly believe that life gives the biggest challenges to those who are strong enough to take them. And there is a reason why we face them, even if we don't know it now.
Comment by tommy on April 16, 2011 at 5:37pm
after all i have gone through i also don't believe in god, i do belive in a more spirtial side of things and a respect for nature

maybe you can find a little strenth in a diffrent direction? :)
Comment by Carol Sue Cain on April 17, 2011 at 12:21am
My view if God is not as an so much as an entity but as a source of love and kindness. Where is God? God is in the connection between ... the kind words of a stranger...the supportive hug of a friend...the fierce caring of a loved one... Taking that viewpoint helped diffuse a lot of my anger. I'm sending you a big virtual hug!


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