So, although my 13 yr old son Nathan is coping amazingly well, (I would think that we're probably at about 70% hair that has fallen out now and a lot of the sections that fell out earlier are now covered in a fine white fuzz which is great) he seems to be in another pretty active stage which is taking his fringe and the back sections too now. Which begs the question... when do you suggest/insist that maybe it's time that we cut the few bits that are still there short? I've let this whole journey be his call, it's his body after all, but now you can tell that there's something missing when half of the hair that usually sticks out the bottom his his school hat is missing and that looks weirder than if it was all gone or a lot shorter than it is now

I guess what I'm asking, is for those of you with AA, was it a relief to not worry about those long whispy bits anymore, or should I still leave this to his timing - I think he's nearly there, but each time I mention it in passing he gives a nod as if to say "Yeah we have to do that." but it's followed by a "Yeah, but not today, ok Mum?"

Views: 1

Comment by JeffreySF on March 9, 2010 at 10:01pm
My opinion is leave it up to Nathan to make the call when he is ready.
You say he is coping well so that's what's most important.

Comment by Judith on March 10, 2010 at 7:14pm
Hey guys, thanks for the support. I broached it with him again last night, ready to agree to whatever decision he made. He decided that it was time, not to shave, but to cut short all the remaining bits. Today... he's not quite so good, I think that finally having the bits removed that were covering other missing parts has made it hit home for him, and there's probably more like 85 - 90% gone, but you know, that's ok. He's taken today off as an emotional day, and we'll spend some quality time together and give lots of hugs. Besides, his Nan says it's cool with two tone hair (such that it is) and the few people that he's shown have been telling them how proud they are of him.

Thanks for the advice :)
Comment by JeffreySF on March 10, 2010 at 10:48pm
Best of luck to both of you. Each day gets a little easier.



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