So now I'm facing my first Dr appt where I know they're going to say "Alopecia" so right now I'm weighing my options. Mu hair, as is, is utterly useless, and as pro-bald as I am, I'm not quite sure I'm ready, so perhaps I could start with a Mia Farrow cut for a while and still use the caps/scarves... Or I could take the plunge. Most people say how liberating it is. The bald spots aren't that big but my hair is so curly and tenacious that they're hard to cover up. I thought it would be funny to have my husband and boys shave my head. I'm sure my husband would love to decimate me in some weird safe way (like when he screams ouch when I pluck his eyebrows). If we didn't have a ton of company coming this week maybe it would be easier or if my husband would let me talk about it to him.... I don't know. I guess it's just going to suck all the way around.

Views: 42

Comment by Tallgirl on August 11, 2013 at 2:11pm

Leave his hair alone and concentrate on presenting a style you feel okay with for yourself, be it shaved, wigged or scarved or hatted. Talk to experts who know about feelings, and realize hubby may be afraid or surfacy. Talk to a counselor, girlfriend, aunt, minister or people here instead. Enjoy your company, and put this issue aside. Do not bring your guests down, okay?

Comment by Amelia33 on August 11, 2013 at 6:17pm
All I was saying is that decisions suck. If I can't blog about my feelings, do I need to bottle them all up?
Comment by Tallgirl on August 11, 2013 at 7:22pm

Well, either he is on overload or he is with you on listening and helping. Personally, I had a great time when I let a close male friend be the first to shave my head on vacation. Pick a memorable spot and laugh, okay?

By the way, reread my comment about all the people you could talk to if your hubby doesn't want to listen.


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