Just a quick observation that kinda struck me funny...I have a Santa hat that I got a couple of Christmas' ago...and I kinda like it...but when I put it on this year...it was too big! I mean, WAY too big..like a kid trying on an adult's hat..I finally gave up and took it off, cause it kept falling down over my eyes. It didn't even occur to me as to WHY at first, then I realized that it was because I have so much less hair than I did a year ago. Anyways, I didn't really let it bother me...it was kinda weird though, cause I know my head didn't shrink...haha!

Views: 13

Comment by Maryann on December 30, 2010 at 1:43am
yes, me too!!!! it seems that i have this little tiny child head now.... :(
Comment by Diana Carter on December 31, 2010 at 10:05am
I never knew HAIR could make such a difference~I was very surprised! Hugs Lois and Maryann!


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