I've noticed some of the advise on looking for a job. Some suggest you should wear a wig, but what about those of us who hate them. I've NEVER liked them for me. It took so much out of me to get to this level of confidence. I just feel like putting on a wig is such a fake version of who I really am. I'm more fearful of wearing a wig than sporting my bald head. I really can't help what other people are thinking, instead of asking. Why should I be made to feel so uncomfortable when it's clearly not me. Is there anyone else out there in alopecia world who just doesn't want to hide? Please share your advise and your experiences with me. I'm not against wigs if it makes you feel better, they just don't make me feel better.

Views: 20

Comment by Gale Moorman on January 19, 2011 at 6:12pm
Wigs are only another level of emotionally attacking the physical side of alopecia. Everyone should do what they feel comfortable doing or living. For me it's a scarf/cap or scarf. I'm very fortunate to live a lifestyle of casualness and liberality, so wearing the scarf and/or cap is acceptable in my work situation and lifestyle. What I don't like is when others may think the wig is an end all to alopecia. It only is if they feel emotionally comfortable with it. But at the end of the day we are all alopecian sisters and brothers, wig or no wig!
Comment by Samantha V.P. on January 20, 2011 at 10:49am
Hello Tyrtyl, well I am not wearing wigs but since I have AA I have been working in the office for a year when it all happened and my 30+ colleagues of the department and the whole company over 1000 where seeing this process as well. So I started wearing my Al Capone head at the time and people loved it... some new comers or customers where kind of surprised when I picked them up for an interview but it all resolved itself with me.

When I got dismissed due to the 'cause of the recession here in The Netherlands a few years ago I decided to do my own thing in the artistic way and that was by following my dream. Thanks to the great collecting system in The Netherlands I can find a way to get by and achieve my dream and that is working for myself.

My AU has given a positive swing to this. Cause I don't want to work at the office for almost 10 years but finally because I don't want to apply for another "office job". I am doing it my way. ;-)

Comment by Gale Moorman on January 22, 2011 at 8:42pm
Hi Tyrtyl - guess when it comes to surviving in a work situation with alopecia, it would depend on the degree. If it's areata and there's enough hair to do a comb-over, then that will work until ther's not enough to comb over. If you have totalis like I do then you'd have to go with a scarf, hat or wig, which the scarf possibly being allowed and depending on the job and a wig, no matter how uncomfortable it might be for someone. Many offices won't allow hats in there and that's a pity. So glad I work for myself, having my own cleaning service. In this time and age if you're totally uncomfortable and your co-workers aren't understandable about alopecia, guess the alopecian would have to go about explaining their situation. If that doesn't do then a change in profession or a home-based business would have to be considered.
Comment by Elizabeth on January 22, 2011 at 11:11pm
Don't hide then...Also this may be an opportunity for you to work for youself...when one door opens another closes...I work for myself from home and love taking my wig off in between clients...I'm also working on a network marketing business...
Comment by T.J.R. on January 26, 2011 at 1:20pm
Thank you for your honesty and your comments. I guess just waiting for that door to open takes me to places i hadn't been in years emotionally. But you guys always come through with options and ideas about what the next move could be. Thank you for all your love and support. This condition spins us all around in different directions and we just have to figure it all out. You guys are a much need boost of kindness!!! Peace and understanding.


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