My life has been finally calm and I have been using the time to just relax. University is done until my exchange and I passed all of my classes. The other day I took a huge leap and cut off my 30cm long pony tail of hair. I'm saving it to see what wig color will match best. So right now I have a really funny haircut... as all my mom did was cut the pony tail off from the highest part of my head.

But I have a real dilemma... I play soccer competitively and I do not know how to cover my head for my upcoming game on January 5th. It's really been stressing me out. Soccer is the one thing that gets my mind completely off my alopecia. I cannot wear a scarf to play soccer, as the referees do not allow it according to FIFA rules. They do not specifically rule out head wear, but anything to the ref's discretion that can be a danger to yourself or another player is strictly forbidden.

I'm starting to consider wearing a wig. What I'm wondering is, are there any ways to make a wig SUPER tight so it doesn't fall off in strenuous exercise? I have to admit, I'm not up for gluing a wig onto my head, but I am wondering what other options I have. What do most of you do to really keep a wig on your head in intense exercise? I was considering buying an elastic and sewing it into the inside of the wig to make it tighter, but I just don't know if the wig will stay on if I head the soccer ball.

The easiest option would be to just shave off my remaining hair and play bald, but I'm just not emotionally ready for that yet.

Suggestions, please? Thanks so much!

Views: 2526

Comment by Carolyn on January 2, 2009 at 11:58pm
this has been one of my biggest challenges in dealing with alopecia! The Freedom wigs are BEAUTIFUL, and I plan on ordering one within the next year or so....but they aren't going to breath! For me, you can't beat the qualities that Cyberhair offers. Check out the Amy's Presence web site! I've learned however, that the AP products are only as good as your AP dealer! Like the vacuum wigs, it's a 10-12 week order, but so worth it. The cyberhair absorbs water, like human hair does. The caps come in different sizes, and they also have a great tape (doubt you would need it for soccer...unless someone might grab your hair!). The AP cap will allow sweat from your head to move through the cap to the cyberhair. Happy to answer more questions!
Comment by Christine on January 4, 2009 at 5:31pm
Thanks Rose Marie! I have decided I want to get a vacuum wig, but right now I don't have enough money (or any insurance for that matter) and in Canada there is no reimbursement or amount that we can deduct off our income taxes for wigs. Also, I live in western Canada and I have looked and I don't think there are any Freedom Wig reps where I live. I'm thinking I'll just plan a nice vacation to New Zealand to get my wig!
Comment by Karina Louise on January 5, 2009 at 7:40pm
Hi Christine, I wear a freedom wig and they are definitely a great option for exercise, they won't come off at all, although I prefer to wear a bandana as it's not so hot on my head (I don't have the new Freedom II cap though - that sounds like it might help with that). I think some of the freedom reps in the US may travel to some parts of Canada for wig consultations, but you'd need to check on that. I'm currently living in Lake Louise, Alberta and had a bit of a look to see if there were any reps anywhere nearby in case I need to order another wig while I'm still here, as I know mine will have to go back for repairs at some point and I can't live without it. But I haven't looked too far at this point, as I'm not sure what my future plans are.
All the best,


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