WIGS - snarls...washing...types...HELP

i bought one wig...about $100. but you could really see the part area...there were little short hairs that were noticable.

i bought a different wig...$400...from a local store that specializes in them. i didn't go get fitted or get one made for me...even though i have found that service is available here. i'm just not sure what's worth it money-wise. which wig to buy????? this one's part is much better. it has a clear area in the scalp's front that looks more real.

everyone says it looks great...but i can tell. its synthetic, not real hair. it looks good with a hat on top of it.

i hate how it gets snarls in 2 seconds....so it feels crappy on the back of my neck, i'll post a pic or 2. i wonder if there is some product, like a detangler that is used in hair, that i can use on it. all i have is shampoo and wig spray so far. hate washing the wig too....so much easier to just wash the hair that WAS on my head.

i don't know what to wear under the wig, if anything, that would be most comfortable...most things a rescratchy to me.

there are too many choices with all this stuff...wigs, wig types, wig wash, wig spray, under the wig, wig brands....which makes it overwhelming, like we aren't already overwhelmed.....

and.......i just can't get comfortable in wigs....i don't know....i'm sorry for any negativity, but well, you guys understand.

maybe i sould just stick to hats....

anyways.......wig recommendations please.

Views: 142

Comment by Maryann on December 30, 2010 at 1:02am
see i think this $400 synthetic wig looks too perfect along the front edge....makes it look odd to me, obvious...maybe its me. there are more pix of this wig in my photo album.
Comment by Tallgirl on December 30, 2010 at 10:54am
They all come with too much hair and long bangs on purpose, so THE STYLIST, not you, can trim the wig to look best. That's why I order from wig shops instaed of online: many will not trim wigs not bought at their shop.
I always get bangs and try the wigs on with my glasses to see how the ear tabs work, see the thickness and coverage, see color in the sun outside the shop, look in the 3-way mirror, figure out how real the wig will look when flash from cameras hit it, etc. Go see my photos on my page. My blond, synthetic wig with dark roots cost $141 with the alopecia discount.
Comment by Maryann on December 30, 2010 at 9:08pm
wait, really, they trim them for you????? oh my goodness.....i had no idea. i bought both of them in a huge wig shop, they don't sell anything else, and no one told me that either time...even when i spent the $400....ugh....thanks wig shop people!!!!!

what alopecia discount???? oh, i should have come on here sooner......i didn't have that $$$$ to spend...

thanks for posting to me!!!
Comment by Tallgirl on December 30, 2010 at 10:00pm
Make sure the people know how to cut wigs and aren't just sales people. Cancer and alopecia people get 10% off at my Sacramento wig shops in California.
Comment by Tallgirl on December 30, 2010 at 10:01pm
Can you go get some bangs cut, even if wisped over the forehead, for NY Eve?
Comment by Diana Carter on December 31, 2010 at 10:18am
I'm not to the point of needing a wig yet, but wow...seeing just what I have to look forward to! I am still looking and trying to get used to hats, cause I have just never been a hat person..I love them on others, but they just feel funny to me, on MY head..I have one, so far, and I wear it on cold days when I go out, so I can try to get used to how it feels on my head. Finally broke down and cut my hair off, once again, yesterday...maybe I can get a new profile pic posted sometime soon. I have resolved that my hair, even if I ever DID grow it back long again, it is just way too thin to ever look good again. I really appreciate all the tips, and things I have learned here on AW also...cause like you, I didn't know they cut wigs. Trying to glean anything I can beforehand.BTW Maryann..you are just too cute...I love all of your pictures, and your hats are amazing too! Where do you buy them? Hugs ladies!
Comment by Maryann on January 4, 2011 at 6:06pm
oh wow......lily i love the sound of that coating so it isn't itchy. :)

do i need something from my doc to show that i have alpecia to get the discount....or does this come thru my health insure? you know........i think health insure. should cover this...why is it any diff than other items needed to help people...like casts, crutches and so on? i know it may not seem as dibilitating as having a disability to some people...but to me it is....

diana - thanks soooooooo much for your kind words...i'm trying. and for the hats, i get most of them on ebay fairly cheap. i searched for "knit hats" then i sort by cheapest price. there are a lot...but its worth the time to me.
Comment by Petra on January 5, 2011 at 4:19pm
Hi Maryann, Not all wig shops will give you a discount because you have alopecia. I used to have one in the neighborhood that would give it until they sold it and now no more discount, but it does not hurt to ask. If you get a wig trimmed/cut make sure they know how to cut wigs, it's not like cutting someones real hair. Short wigs do not tangle, they will start to fray a little were the hair rubs on the neck, but this usually takes awhile. I like the mono top wigs, I find them lighter on top and you can actually see scalp on top which I think gives it a more realistic look.
Comment by Anne Williams on January 6, 2011 at 12:55am
This is a great discussion because I am thinking about getting my first wig. I have been looking at wigs on line for a while. They look pretty good. Any advice?
Comment by Karen Smith on January 10, 2011 at 9:51am
Hi, My daughter wears all lace wigs with swiss lace and a silk top. She tapes them on with super tape and they stay 3 days before she changes them. We get virgin european hair. I have a hairstylist that is use to wigs cut and color them if needed. They are beautiful and she gets comments on her beautiful hair when we are out. Google celebrity syle wigs and call the 800 number the first time. I have found some chinese sites that are even cheaper but I am not sure they are quite as good yet. I am still working on this. Anyone can message me if they need my help. This was such a big deal and huge learning process.


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