Pity Party for 1?

Im pretty sick today, sick of looking like i do.
This is going to sound rediculous, but why cant i look like everyoe else?!!

Valentines Day is soon.
Sarcastic Super.

Most of the time i honesly dont mind being bald. But lately i REALLY mind.

I dont think people really think of me differently, but i really just want to not even have to think, 'hey, that person treated me normal!'

i dont have hair.. so what?!!

boys think im gross. i have friends.. but thats it.
I bet you heard that saying: 'always a bridesmaid, never a bride'? well, how about always the friend, never the girlfriend.

And its not even like i want a boyfriend! i just want a boy to LIKE me! a nice guy, that doesnt care what i look like.
whats worse is that i wish that a boy did care what i looked like, and liked me.. because i would be (in this imaginary world) pretty, and just like everyone else.

Have you heard that ridiculous childrens jingle..
"Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, Guess I'll go eat worms"

yeah, worms sound pretty fantastic right now.

Views: 92

Comment by Tallgirl on February 10, 2011 at 10:11pm
Hey, Cute One,
The worms will be better with salt and a side of chutney. Don't forget a chaser of maggots, dipped in caramel!

Now that you are ready to PUKE your way through Valentine's Day (ha ha), anything else seems better. Why not get COMPLETELY irreverent, and go out with girlfriends for beverages, while wearing rented tuxedos or something totally unexpected, at a spot with great food and fun music? It could be THE night you will never forget. Bring cameras, and pose crazy! Love of friends is better than forced relationships just to have a Valentine's date. Guys who like the sarcasm of it all will probably join your group, as long as you are not all male-bashing. Bring roses to hand out to decent fellows, no matter how they look...like on The Bachelorette. The nicer the man, the more he deserves acknowledgment on Valentine's Day.

Just have fun for about four years...the equivalent of a college stay. Make your new "major" Just Having Fun, and keep the photo album and sound track of those years. My twenties included a move to San Francisco, a trip to Israel, rodeos, art school, touring along the ocean, hikes up a mountain...and gobs of GOOD food...not worms at all. I will never forget my twenties! :)
Comment by Christa M. on February 11, 2011 at 6:44am
If you were as normal as you are dreaming about, perhaps your biggest wish would be not to be that normal.
So your choice is either to be sad that you are not someone else, or to be happy to be you as you are. The best you that exists anyway! Sometimes I remember all these horrible bad hair days of hairy people, bad color, bad cut, bad look, dirty hair, thin hair grey hair, curly hair, all theese horrible problems we do not have (lol). Have a nice day!
Comment by Karen Smith on February 11, 2011 at 9:57am
Whitney you are a beautiful girl but if you are sick of looking like you do then get a wig. My daughter's are gorgeous and we get them fairly inexpensively. She has a boyfriend now and last semester when she wasn't dating him she had all the dates that she wanted. She is in college and went to 2 winter formals, one of those boys knew about her AU and one did not. Don't let alopecia stop you, use whatever makeup, wigs etc to look your best and enjoy yourself. Boys like girls that are comfortable with themselves because most are insecure.
Comment by Tallgirl on February 11, 2011 at 2:42pm
I used to say that my friends are all perfect: Perfectly themselves. Quirks and all.
Comment by zeida on February 12, 2011 at 11:07am
Whitney hang on we all have are good weeks and our bad weeks. There is not much more I can say that the others before me didn't say, they are all right. We have all been there. You will get stronger with time and this will all seem silly. You will find your prince charming the one guy that God has picked for you. He will be someone wonderful that will love you just the way you are. In the meantime go out with your friends and enjoy your life. Valentines is just another day in the month of February. Celebrate by loving yourself. Best wishes.
Comment by Devin on February 12, 2011 at 5:00pm
I can’t believe boys think you’re gross. Im old enough to be your father, but if I was a young in Id be knocking your door down, your gorgeous, Happy Valentine and spit those worms out!
Comment by Gillian Taylor on February 12, 2011 at 10:10pm
Hang on in there i felt the same for a very long time thought no one would ever be able to see passed the fact i have no hair but how wrong was i im now engaged and he changed my world you will find mr right when the time is right. Take care x


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