Bob Hershberger's Comments

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At 5:08pm on May 7, 2008, Denise said…
Hi, How was your day? Mine went pretty well. I have a great aunt with dementia, do they think that's what's wrong with your brother? It can get pretty scary with her. If she takes her meds it's not so bad but they don't always work perfectly and sometimes she forgets. She now lives in semi-assisted living. Denise
At 10:08pm on May 6, 2008, kastababy said…
Hey Bob!
I went to and created an account. Once I did that then I created a playlist and checked the option to get the code to embed it into another site. Once I did that I copied and pasted the code into my Alopecia World profile and voila! Before you get the code, be sure to check the option to auto-play and choose the color you want. You can create as many playlists as you want and add each one to your page, but you can only have 100 songs per playlist. Or on the Alopecia World page itself, you can add music from your own computer to play. Just look under your personal information right above your groups and click on the link to add music, and add the music like you would add your pictures. Let me know how it turns out!
At 5:16pm on May 6, 2008, Denise said…
Sorry to hear about your brother, but I know what your going through. Alot of the children I work with are mentaly ill some severly, so I am very aware of the good and bad times that come with it. It can be very hard and stressfull. I've been doing that for nine years and the best thing I can recommend is have alot of patience and don't take anything personally. To bad about the caddy, i'd offer help but your a little far away :) I'm into muscle cars myself. I would love to get my hands on a 64 n' 1/2 Mustang or 69 Camero. But the chances of finding a decent one in Iowa is slim, they're all rusted out. Well I need to go make dinner....Denise
At 5:34am on May 6, 2008, Maureen said…
Hi Bob, Hello to you also... I hope you have a GREAT Tuesday! I am getting real excited cause i am going to go tomorrow to pick my son up from college. He is 7 hours away.

I read your comment you were saying about your brother, I am sorry to hear of his problem... I have a sister with a lot of that stuff. So I get your pain with that. Just remember to keep yourself well, you can only do so much and the rest is up to them or medical professional.I will most certainly pray for your brother to get well and also for you to have the strength to help him.

Maureen :)
At 5:05pm on May 5, 2008, Denise said…
So your from San Jose to, small world. This weekend I didnt really do anything to exciting just grocery shopping..woo hoo How was your weekend?
At 12:44am on May 5, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Santana..I love him..Hes definitly one of a kind..Self taught...Im also self taught,so nobody else plays the keys like me..Im not sure if thats good..LOL..JK..My Sunday has been a diffulcult one..I have a older brother whos starting to loose it mentally,and I recentally have been there to help him recover,and i thought he was back on track,but today he called,and was saying things that made no sense,like people on his roof etc...Its sad..Plus he's a 3 hour drive to help him,and I have 2 hip replacements and a crushed disc,so its not easy..Im just gonna have to buck up,and see if i can help..Again..If youd like to pray for him,his name is Jeff,in Nevada City,Ca..Pray for sanity..Thanks YoKasta..Your also in my prayers..We'll make it,,Ive been through harder things than this,and Im still kickin..Im not a quitter so,here we go again,going down the only road Ive ever known..I love that song..Thanks for your response..Im good..Bob
At 7:54pm on May 4, 2008, kastababy said…
Hey Bob!

My Sunday has been great! I went to see Santana down on Beale Street last night and slept in til 3pm today! Made some awesome spaghetti for dinner tonight and tomorrow, which made me happy (I just hate the cleanup!) How has your Sunday been?
At 5:51pm on May 4, 2008, Maureen said…
Hi Bob, Thanks for the add. I agree with you about the acceptance thing. I had only lost one side of my hair in the back of my head when I was 11, and back than they didn't even have a name for it. so i wore a pony tail for 4 yrs till it grow back. Never thought about it again till I had my son and he lost all of his hair at 3 yrs. old. Boy it was so tough. But going through that and making him the secure and confident about himself and all the stuff it took to get him there, has made me able to accept my new bout with this. Which has turned into AU this time. I don't even shave my head anymore.I lost all of my hair this pasted Jan. It is weird cause my hair started to fall out right when or around the time I was diagnosed with thyroid Hastimoto's. The Doctor told me once one autoimmune disease you can get several. But I am dealing very well thanks to my son. Who is my hero with this disease!
Well sorry so long . But this is such a great place to share. Thanks for being a friend! Have a great Sunday!

Maureen :)
At 7:46pm on May 3, 2008, Maureen said…
Hi Bob, Welcome to AA World! It is really of it's own world lol. Now don't delete me as a friend, I hope you figured it out lol!

Hope you have a great weekend.

Maureen :)
At 7:00am on May 3, 2008, Margareta Marcks von Würtemberg said…
Hello, so you like old beautyful things. I buy all sorts of antiques. Once I found a folklore kostume, I´m wearing it tonight on a big birthday party. (I have to find myself a new dictionary, I can not find the fitting words) Yes I,m lycky to have a job that makes me feel good. But I always work to much! So long M
At 2:01am on May 3, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Oh yeah..I think we all need a little pep talk now and then..Especially when its the first few years..Tx for your kind words..Bob
At 1:40am on May 3, 2008, sgomez said…
Thanks for the friend request! You are a very kind person. Keep up the insiprational pep talks! I know I need them now and then. Take care, and God bless. Sarah
At 8:01pm on May 2, 2008, Denise said…
Hi, How was your day? Mine went great. I work at a school for children with severe behavior problems. I work with 7th/8th grade students. Iowa's doing ok, cool and rainy today. I grew up in San Jose, CA I left there when I was 19. I miss the weather but not the earthquakes :) I have 2 sons my oldest will be 19 on the 9th,my youngest will be 15 in Sept. It really makes me feel old. Well I hope your day went well. Denise
At 3:39pm on May 2, 2008, Margareta Marcks von Würtemberg said…
Hi again my new friend, I hope you had a nice day. If my english is to silly, dont hesitate to correct me. I´ll only be pleased. It´s more than 25 years seans I hade any education. My spelling program is in sweedish. I think its about time to cach up with lots of practice! I just came home from work after a plesant day at the theatre. I,ve tryed 15 new shaped wigs on the ballet in the musical wich Im doing make up design for "Hedwig and the angry inch". I work at Stockholms city theatre. It has been my most usual emloyer for over 20 years. I also did the wigs for Mamma Mia in Stockholm and I´m also glad to be designing wigs for many sweedish films this year. Im lucky to have a job in this tuff business. I never wear wigs. But I make lots of them. Have a Nice Week end. M
At 11:57am on May 2, 2008, Ev said…
Hey thanks for your message. Its very nice having other people to speak to!! It is far easier to accept it when you dont feel so alone!!
At 8:26am on May 2, 2008, Carol said…
I'll get that article up here as soon as it's printed! Happy glowing to you to! :)
At 8:19am on May 2, 2008, Joni said…
Hi Bob, Thanks for checking in with me. All is pretty good in my world - hope the same for you!

At 7:39pm on May 1, 2008, Denise said…
Hi, I'm new to the site also. Everyone here is very friendly. It's nice to talk with someone that is going through the same thing I am. I've had AA since shortly after birth. I'd love to chat and get to know someone who can realte.
At 10:56am on May 1, 2008, Margareta Marcks von Würtemberg said…
Thank yor for your welcome and also for wanting to be friends with me. I,ve just sent you a request. It is a wonderfull day here in Stockholm. Every one seemes to bee out in the rare precious sunshine. Best regards M
At 9:29am on May 1, 2008, Orbit said…
Hi Bob, what a nice greeting for me this morning! Its very nice to "meet" you! You're fortunate to be down there in Folsom CA, I was lucky to CA last year and LOVED it! Have a great day new friend, keep smiling!


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