Bob Hershberger's Comments

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At 7:29am on June 18, 2008, 3mee said…
Sorry about that. I went outstation on a business trip. Just busy. I didn't mean to make you sad. I love to be part on this community and never thought of leaving. Really sorry...
At 6:09pm on June 17, 2008, Billie said…
Just dropping by with a warm Hello. In reading your 'About Me' section; I see similarities with all of us here. This is one place I value everyone that is a member. Common ground!
Hope you day is a good one!
At 10:30pm on June 15, 2008, Drew said…
Thanks Bob for the comments. Headblade is a great product and I love the moisturizor. They have a full line of products including shaving cream, and an pre-shave cream to take off dead skin from your scalp. I only have the blade and the moisturizer, but I may try something new in the future...
At 2:41pm on June 13, 2008, Trina said…
Hi bo,

You seem very upbeat and positive about this condition. I have been battling AA and AU for years. I have had AA since the age of 8 and AU for the last 11 years. At least we can all vent here.
At 10:10am on June 12, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Bob!

Less then one week left for me before I head for the US! Im excited about the conference. Hope youre ok Bob.

At 12:54am on June 10, 2008, Antoinette Fernandez said…
Hi Bob, thanks for your words, a really apreciate them!! It's very good, to find yourself, the inner person that everybody has, sometimes is hard, sometimes i feel so down, but thanks to people like you, i know its possible!!!
At 12:19pm on June 4, 2008, Jenn said…
Bob, I was not offended or sarcastic with my response. The fact that half of my left eyebrow has been solidly growing through my AA is something that makes me giggle. I am truly upbeat about my situation and I laugh always.For me, finding humor is one of the things that helps me feel grounded when things are rough.I am so sorry that my tone didn't come through in my text, but please know I find MUCH humor and discovery on this path we are all walking called alopecia.

Bald Girls Rock,
At 2:24am on June 4, 2008, JeffreySF said…
Hi Bob,
I really hadn't thought about it before now but yes it makes sense. Everyone has to make a living.

At 11:41pm on June 2, 2008, Bob Hershberger said…
Jenn..I just thought it was great how you could find humor in a otherwise trying situation..Ive found thats the only way to survive with AA,AT etc..I hope I didnt offend you,as I just found you great sense of humor a very positive tool..And one that has helped me keep my sanity..Best regards..Bob
At 11:33pm on June 2, 2008, Jenn said…
Thanks for the comment. Half an eyebrow does no good (for anyone), in case you were wondering. :) Have a great day!

Bald Girls Rock,
At 2:46am on June 2, 2008, Roger said…

Yes , its hot here too....early morning here now. Yes, im going for my first conference. Hope to meet som new friends there.

At 4:27pm on June 1, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Bob!

How was the weekend?

At 5:31am on May 31, 2008, claire said…
hi bob lovely to hear from you thanks for the nice comments i hope you are well would love to chat sometime soon takecare claire.
At 2:39pm on May 28, 2008, Alex said…
thanks! I don't let it bother me. I've had AA since i was little so i grew up not having hair. I don't know any other way to live so i guess it was easier for me, but I don't know. haha

Anyways, how are you?
At 2:27pm on May 28, 2008, Elline Surianello said…
Thanks again! You're doing a great job! All the best - Elline
At 12:45pm on May 27, 2008, Elline Surianello said…
By the way, thank you so much for introducing yourself and taking the time to check out my story. It’s always nice to hear from like-minded people who have been able to find peace with AA. It is my hope to spread messages like these to other people who “suffer” with the issue, so that we can hopefully bring enlightenment and hope to those who need it most. Good work, keep it up and keep in touch!
At 10:38am on May 26, 2008, Elline Surianello said…
Thank you for the Memorial Day wishes. Have a wonderful day.
At 2:10am on May 26, 2008, Donna said…
Hi Bob hey I'm sorry I didn't reply to you, got busy and forgot, sorry. Yeah this is a good site and like you i have lived with this condition for years but it's good to know I'm not alone. Hope everything is good for you, Donna x
At 6:19pm on May 23, 2008, Denise said…
Hey there, I'm all good now. I've just been really busy. It's going to be a busy week my sister and her family are visiting from MO. I haven't seen them in awhile so it will be nice. Well I hope evereything has been going good for you and your brother. Denise
At 5:37pm on May 23, 2008, kastababy said…
Hey Bob!
I had to take a hiatus from posting for a few days, and I'm off to Nashville again for the holiday, so I'm as busy as ever! I will definitely be posting a lot this weekend, because I have a WHOLE lot of ground to cover!!! Summer has officially come to Tennessee, 80+ degree days (with the humidity from the Mississippi River coming in and the Tennessee River too, that equals a heat index of 90+ degrees, and we'll be in the 90's all week next week, so that means 100+ degree heat indices all summer long!!! I'll talk more to you this weekend.


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