Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 4:22pm on January 13, 2011, Gail said…
I'm doing fine. Looking forward to a new year and getting back on track with my life!
At 4:07pm on January 13, 2011, Devin said…
Happy Birthday Cheryl!!! Thanks for the new home here at AW. I hope you have a great day!
At 3:32pm on January 13, 2011, Gail said…
Happy Birthday, Cheryl!
At 3:27pm on January 13, 2011, Josef said…
Gern geschehen. :)
At 2:03pm on January 13, 2011, Tony McCarthy said…
Your day sweetheart....enjoy it.....and give your wonderful partner a big kiss for letting us know of your day
At 1:57pm on January 13, 2011, Sam Sam said…
I am typing in your dream come TRUE :)~~~ This is amazing site and much needed!!! YOU are amazing!!! Happy Birthday!!! NEVER STOP DREAMING!!!! DREAM BIGGGERRR with the help of God all things are possible!!! Enjoy the celebration of you!!!
At 1:08pm on January 13, 2011, stephanie gave Cheryl, Co-founder a gift
Happy Birthday Cheryl!!! Have a great day!!!
At 10:17am on January 13, 2011, Josef said…
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag*

*Happy Birthday :)
At 9:54am on January 13, 2011, Sarah Eisenhardt said…
I hope your day is filled with lasting memories and much joy.
At 9:27am on January 13, 2011, Christy Ingram said…
Happy Birthday Cheryl, I hope you have a wonderful day!!! I appreciate you and AW, it has made a big difference in my life!!! It is also special for me, it's my birthday as well as my first grandchilds, Ellie!!!
At 9:23am on January 13, 2011, Tony McCarthy said…
A very happy nirthday Cheryl...Many of them...God love you .........Tony
At 2:07am on December 30, 2010, Maryann said…
thanks cheryl. i just posted some new things. i have not gotten on here in quite some time. i hope all is well with you. i'm ok....trying to go day by day, thanks!!!
At 5:49am on November 24, 2010, Virginia Olivera Manley said…
you are an amazing person.
At 6:08pm on November 21, 2010, Chentil Changing said…
Thanks Cheryl!
At 9:14pm on November 18, 2010, Bonnie said…
No problem! You look so beautiful, radiant and happy! Congratulations on your marriage and move to the US! You have been busy. I was married in PEI this past July - a very special day for us. My husband and I are hoping to attend the NAAF conference in 2011. My younger sister is currently experiencing major hair loss which has motivated me to start re-connecting with a community of support. I am hoping to get her connected.
At 12:44pm on November 17, 2010, Bonnie said…
Hi Cheryl!

Yes! We met in 2002-2004 at the NAAF Conferences (St Louis and Los Angeles). I am originally from PEI but I now live in Waterloo, ON with my husband. What a wonderful support network you have created for the Alopecia Community! Congratulations! Hope we have the opportunity to connect again sometime in the future!
At 7:49pm on November 16, 2010, Rhiannon said…
Hahaha. I love the story about the dermatologist! My dermatologist looks at my like a science project. She says, 'you're the fastest pace case I've ever seen.' Great. So I know more about the disease from Google that she does from medical school. This is going to turn out well. She took a biopsy from my scalp and the results came back thinking I had syphillis. Great. The whole time I kept sayin, 'Hey I had alopecia areata when I was a kid. I'm pretty sure this has something to do with that.' She was so in tuned to ruling everything else out. I kinda feel like if your own answer is right vs the doctor, you shouldn't have to pay for the tests or the office visit. lol
At 5:04pm on November 13, 2010, Rhiannon said…
Thanks! Yes I agree too. Everyone at my work thinks I am stressed out too. That's so hard to make them understand. But I'm sure you know that! :)
At 11:35pm on November 12, 2010, Erika Vincent said…
Haha yes. I am aware.
At 10:35am on November 12, 2010, Stuart said…
Hi Cheryl,

I am good thanks. How are you??


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