Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 10:34pm on May 29, 2008, Bill said…
Thanks for the welcome.
At 11:18am on May 29, 2008, Elline Surianello said…
Just wanted to let you know that I updated my workshop/support group time for this Sunday - it's taking place at 5pm at my salon in New York City. Let me know if you can make it (I know you're in Montreal...but it's not that far!)!
At 1:48am on May 29, 2008, Sarah S said…
Hi Cheryl, thank you for the warm welcome. I just lost all my hair back in January so it has been so nice to find this site and read about the stories of others that are going through the same thing.
At 3:52pm on May 28, 2008, Will Jelliffe said…
Hi Cheryl!

I really like your site. Keep an eye out on Ning's blog in the next few days. Alopecia World will be featured there!

At 3:14pm on May 28, 2008, claire said…
thanks for getting in touch nice to hear from you hope you are ok.
At 12:19pm on May 28, 2008, Lise Marie Bordeleau said…
thank you ... this site is wonderful.... ty for opening it.... you are all welcoming it very pleasant...ty again...Lise Marie
At 10:27am on May 28, 2008, Barbara E. P. Cartmel said…
Hi Cheryl thanks for your note. You look so great without hair. You are very pretty - if I looked like that I would not wear my wig either!! I was thinking the other day what would I do if my hair came back - I have a feeling I probably would be disappointed and end up shaving my head! I said this before but the people who have aloepecia have beautiful smooth skin it is amazing. Take care, have a nice day, Barbara
At 10:39am on May 27, 2008, Melissa said…
Thanks for the comment. So you're one of the founders? Great idea, this site.

I found it doing research for a paper on women's hair loss for a Women's Studies class, but it turned out to be a great resource for my self.
At 11:06pm on May 26, 2008, Khadijah Wright said…
After regrowth, my hair fell again and now I am trying to experient with regrowing natural locks (I previously used perms). I am not sure if I like it as much as I like the baldness. I sort of want to shave it but this may the only time to be natural. I'll see.
At 10:43pm on May 26, 2008, Khadijah Wright said…
XOXO. Yes, I will be going to the conference. I just bought my ticket. So reneging is out of the question. I can't wait to see you again and to meet your very lucky heartthrob!
At 8:02pm on May 26, 2008, LORNA said…
Hi Cheryl, thankyou for the welcome :)
At 7:32pm on May 26, 2008, Stephanie said…
Awwww... Cheryl - I just read the post you put up regarding 'going topless'. It still touches me that things I take for granted (example - you being a drop dead gorgeous bald black woman) still takes some reminding for you. Today at lunch you mentioned some very touching things to me regarding what you have learned from your friends. I would need a day to itemize the effect you have had and continue to have on my life. I have learned and continue to learn courage through you. Sincerity. Acceptance. Listening (one of your best qualities)... I am blessed to have you in my life and love you deeply. I believe our friendship is as deep as it is, thanks to alopecia. We have grown together through many situations brought about by alopecia, hair, assumptions people have, etc. From styling your wigs to throwing them aside to go 'topless'. You are an incredible blessing in my life and I hope my ranting has made sense. I love you Carvery. HUGE ... HUGE hug. xoxoxoxo
At 10:25am on May 26, 2008, Imbi said…
Hi, thank you for good wishes and I´m sure I´m going to enjoy my time here with you:) Have a wonderful day!
At 10:25am on May 26, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
I'm sorry Cheryl...what conference?...(and I doubt it) as I live in Canada..and the states is a long way from the Foothills in Alberta......but yeah it is kinda neat to know I'm not dealing with this alone....and that (of course), as bad as mine is, there is people out there with bigger issuses, and maybe I can help with dealin' with esteem issues, or insight as I have no prob. with esteem, (I think rather highly of myself) LOl...anyway off to work have a GREAT day.....MIkey
At 1:57pm on May 25, 2008, Mike Vandebeld said…
Hi, nice to be so warmly welcomed...great the way and very easy to use....I've already found that the contact with others like myself to be strangley comforting...(guess seein' as we're all dealin' with the same thing to one degree or another)...thanx again
At 8:28pm on May 24, 2008, Gabrielle said…
thank you so much for making me feel welcome:)
i really hope this group helps me deal with some things :D
At 6:56pm on May 23, 2008, Isabel said…
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you for the welcome.
At 4:07pm on May 23, 2008, Samantha said…
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you for the welcome. It feels great, already, to know that I can talk to others about this...finally!
At 4:05pm on May 23, 2008, samantha gordon said…
thanks for that,it seems like a really good site and couldnt have found me at a better time Ben come home from school in tears today due to people picking on him that is very unlike him so I have just been looking through it all and seems great x
At 5:27pm on May 22, 2008, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hi Cheryl,
I'm so excited!
I just want to let you know that advance copies of my book, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing! are now available! To find out more and order copies, go to:

Hugs, LeslieAnn


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