Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 11:19am on May 16, 2008, Drew said…
Thank you for the welcoming, I am really glad I found this place. You and RJ are def a blessing to all of us and I'm so glad you started this site for all of us out here so that we can support each other. Thanks again.
At 6:26am on May 16, 2008, 3mee said…
Thanks for the warm welcome. Makes me feels like home sweet home :D
At 6:06am on May 16, 2008, Tony said…
Thank you for the warm welcome Cheryl!
At 11:39pm on May 15, 2008, Steve said…
Hi Cheryl! I already like the people on here so much! They're so warm and inviting!

Hope you're having a great week!!

At 8:44pm on May 15, 2008, merita hinnant said…
glad to be here; glad to meet u; hope to talk to again soon;
At 11:09am on May 15, 2008, Donna Evans said…
Oh thanks! It’s identical to my hair color. It’s weird because it’s a Revlon wig. Nothing special ordered. I wanted to tell you that my crazy husband shaved my head last night. We got a laugh because when I put my stalking hat on it stuck to my head like Velcro. It was pretty hilarious. I’m thankful I don’t have to go in public like this but it feels much better. It looks very clean. We also had a laugh because the first shaving to just get it short enough for another shorter go around made me look like a drunk person tried to give me a Mohawk. My cat had her eyes glued to me this morning when she’d usually be snoozing while I was getting ready for work. Anyway, I wouldn’t have gotten the nerve to do this if I hadn’t seen you and all of the other pretty ladies on here with shaved or naturally bald heads.
At 9:34am on May 15, 2008, Mandy said…
Thanks Cheryl! This website is fabulous! I'm excited! :o)
At 9:28pm on May 8, 2008, carly said…
thank you!=]
At 2:13pm on May 8, 2008, Amy said…
Thanks for the warm welcome!! I finally feel like i'm in the right place :)
At 12:05pm on May 8, 2008, Liz said…
Thanks for the comment! Everything is going great. She's kicking as I type!
At 9:46pm on May 7, 2008, Roxana said…
Thank you!
At 1:01pm on May 7, 2008, Tori said…
Thanks for the encouragement!! -- Still feel very naked -- I'm trying to make myself sit outside on my back deck and sun my head (God it is sooooooooo white!! hahah) But the Warmth feels so goooooood!! What a great looking couple!! ----------- Tori
At 12:33pm on May 7, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
I LOVE this woman! :-)
At 9:19pm on May 6, 2008, kayla tucker said…
Hello, Thanks so much for welcoming me to this site.From what Ive seen so far Imgoing to like this site.
At 8:15pm on May 6, 2008, Gena King said…
Thank you. Yes it does go bu a lot easier when you just come out with it. If they dont like my alopecia then they dont like me. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
At 7:54pm on May 6, 2008, Janet said…
Cheryl, thank you for your welcoming words. I have a really good feeling about this group of people so far.
At 9:52am on May 6, 2008, krissma bent said…
thank you for welcoming me to alopecia world :)
I see so many ppl on here not wearing a wig i hope one day that i will do the same but im still finding it hard after 17 years but seeing and meeting all of you has given me that little bit more confidence I thank you both for this site i love it im not alone after all x x x :)
At 10:55pm on May 5, 2008, Kristen said…
Hi Cheryl - you have a beautiful smile that just radiates warmth. I can tell you have a sweet heart. :-)

Thank you (and Richard) for creating this website. I'm so excited to meet other like-minded, positive alopecians and provide support where I can. Cheers to you both!
At 9:11pm on May 5, 2008, Melissa said…
It went really well. I put a little blurb about it on my discussion about it. Thanks for helping me out by taking the survey! See you in a month or so!
At 7:49pm on May 5, 2008, Natalie Young said…
Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for the welcome. It seems like a great site, I wish in New Zealand they had more support like this.


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