Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 6:07pm on April 1, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI Cheryl, We sure do hate we want be able to be there. CJ's daughter is graduating from a college in California. This is where we will be that weekend!! This is why I said to take pictures and send some to me!!!
At 12:12pm on April 1, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
HI girlfriend, Your page is great! I still not sure how to customize my page. When CJ gets off 12 hour shifts this week he is going to help me. I want all my friends to email me lots of pictures of the conference this year!!! Maybe you could get a group together and give me a call while you are there! Have a great day!! Miss you all bunches!!!
At 9:54pm on March 31, 2008, Gwen said…
Hi Cheryl! Thanks for such a warm welcome. I can feel the love that came with every greeting and I know this is definitely a great place to be. I have two adult sons who shaved bald when their hairline began to recede. They prefer to stay bald. They have not sought medical advice re their hairloss so I can't say that they have alopecia. I do have a friend that says she does have it though and I want to learn more about the causes and cures of hairloss. I plan to share information about this site with my sons (however, I don't know if they will care to join) and my friend whom I know will be more than happy to join and share. Delete Comment
At 5:04pm on March 31, 2008, Kelly said…
Hi Cheryl, thanks for the message. I just joined today and already am enjoying it. Don't feel so alone the more people I meet. Thanks for the site!!
At 10:26pm on March 30, 2008, Trina said…
Hi Cheryl,

I am fine. and you? My daughter is great! She is being a real trooper about the entire situation. Kids have a way of amazing us. We are going to the meet n greet basketball game in DC with Charlie Villanueva so she is excited about that. It's been good to talk to people and see how they are dealing with their issues. Now I feel like someone understands what I am going through. I hope that your days are good and stay beautiful!
At 9:23pm on March 30, 2008, ORLA said…
i have been dealing with alopecia for 36 yrs!
At 7:21pm on March 30, 2008, Ashley Dumouchel said…
Hi Cheryl
Thankyou for the welcome. It's great being able to talk with others about alopecia. I had never heard of it until a month after loosing my hair. I honestly cope with it surprisely well though, not that it's always easy, it just doesn't bother me. your profile says you're engaged, I was wondering if you're going bald or wearing a wig or scarf for your wedding? I'm engaged too and I'm just unsure of what to do. I was also wondering where your brother-in-law is from (dumouchel). Maybe I'm related to him. it's not a common last name.
At 3:06pm on March 30, 2008, Michael said…
Thank you Cheryl. I will be emailing you.........for sure!
At 7:20pm on March 29, 2008, kastababy said…
Uh, the Tigger blanket was on the back of my chair because occasionally it got cold in the call center. And if you look at the date, Alopecia World hadn't been born yet -- otherwise it would have been there!
At 6:40pm on March 29, 2008, Michael said…
Thank you very much Cheryl for the warm welcome. I am hoping my experiences here will help me to learn how to better cope with this issue because so far I'm having a bit of a time with it! Thank you again for writing.

At 11:51am on March 29, 2008, kastababy said…
hi Cheryl!!!
At 6:12pm on March 28, 2008, Kostas said…
Dear Kela
Sorry but. Problems are presented with automatic translator.
At 12:16pm on March 28, 2008, Kostas said…
Dear Cheryl many thanks for communication and welcoming from Athens-Greece Kostas.
At 12:07pm on March 28, 2008, chelsi said…
Thank you for your comments, but it's more difficult for me because i speak french.I will try to read your text .
At 12:06pm on March 28, 2008, chelsi said…
Thank you for your comments, but it's more difficult for me because i speak french.I will try to read your text .
At 11:59am on March 28, 2008, Katherine Green said…
Hey,hey Cheryl.

Thanks for the welcome, it`s soo nice to find this site ! I will get my photos up sometime soon


At 11:58am on March 28, 2008, Mia said…
Thanks for the welcome
At 11:15pm on March 27, 2008, Ruth McKelvey said…
Cheryl, Thanks for the message and welcome. Ruth
At 9:40pm on March 27, 2008, Judie said…
Hi Cheryl,

Thank you so much for your welcome.
At 7:55pm on March 27, 2008, Amy Jo said…
oh ic! ;) i just got myn tatted on (eyebrows!!!) they are awwesome!!!/b-e-a-u-tiful!! i got a lil eyeliner too so that i looks like eyelashes!!! BOOHYAH~~!!


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