Cheryl, Co-founder's Comments

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At 1:48pm on March 27, 2008, emily said…
im loving your blog!
At 10:24am on March 27, 2008, Anita said…
Thanks for the nice inviation Cheryl.
At 2:56am on March 27, 2008, Donna said…
Hi Cheryl nice to meet you and thanks for the welcome.
At 1:42am on March 27, 2008, Jennifer said…
Lol I love that pic. That is what happens when three balds chicks drink at a conference
At 12:25am on March 27, 2008, Mr. Hasson J. Rashid said…

Dear Ms. Carvey,

Thank you for welcoming here at the Alopecia Forum.
At 3:36pm on March 26, 2008, Daria said…
Cheryl...stupid question, but computer genius I'm not! How do you make the little slide show of photos on your home page? I know it goes in that "widget" box....
At 11:41am on March 26, 2008, Mattye the Diva said…
thats very true i guess cause iam young i think my hair is it. But thanks for the love
At 8:40am on March 26, 2008, Daria said…
Hey Cheryl. Thanks so much for the welcome. I'm really impressed with this website....Thea from Bald Girls Do Lunch sent me the link and I love it!!! It's really good to see other people just like me....I can tell I'm going to meet a lot of really great people! Take care--Daria
At 11:20pm on March 25, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
Thanks for the prompt response. Where is the conference? can you give me a website. I am new to everything.
Thanks so much.
At 11:18pm on March 25, 2008, Mattye the Diva said…
i know i guess that iam normal i think that iam struggling to find the beauty within myself i hope that i can find it
At 11:08pm on March 25, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
Thanks so much. I am full of questions, but most of all i know that my daughter is. I haven't told her that i have the page just of yet. I like to check things out and have knowledge before taking it to her. I will be showing her around the site and if she is comfortable enough we will set her page up. She wants MYspace page but knows that is a NO NO!.
Thanks again for the warm welcome.
At 10:57pm on March 25, 2008, Amy Jo said…
im glad that you are so excited..i'm pretty darn excited myself...
so are your eyebrows real or tatted or??? lol just wonderin
At 10:53pm on March 25, 2008, Amy Jo said…
awww glad ur so are you doing?
At 10:28pm on March 25, 2008, Mattye the Diva said…
Thank you so much for tellin me about that its so nice to know that iam not alone in this. So how long have you had alopecia if u dont mind me asking. As dumb as this sounds i really want to normal but then i ask myself what is normal? Do you or have you ask the same questions?
At 9:54pm on March 25, 2008, kastababy said…
I am POSITIVE about the snow!!! I used to live in Nebraska and I loved winter more than anything!! I am hot-natured like nobody's business and I love the cold weather more than anything!!! Just once, I want it to snow in Memphis up to my neck!!!
At 9:10pm on March 25, 2008, Alan Low Ching Loon said…

Thanks for your welcoming. I am sure I will enjoy here. The alopeciaworld will be a wonderful place for me.
At 9:01pm on March 25, 2008, Ashley said…
Thank you so much! I think you are quite a gem yourself. =) A beautiful lady inside & out. & i love that you helped found this site, because it has literally changed my life.
At 8:48pm on March 25, 2008, kastababy said…
Yeah, I was thinking of Toronto -- I just have to do the research and get a plan in place. Besides, I want to play in the snow every winter!!!
At 8:18pm on March 25, 2008, Ashley said…
Thanks! I pretty much think that quote has kept me going sometimes. Because it can be discouraging sometimes dealing with people in life, but then i remember that, & it helps me along. & thats not just dealing with alopecia, but my personality, & everything. =)
Its actually from a song that I heard. "Something to be proud of" by Montgomery Gentry. =)
At 8:13pm on March 25, 2008, kastababy said…
Hey Cheryl!!! I'm trying to stay awake -- someone switched my decaf for caffeinated coffee this morning and caffeine of any kind puts me to sleep like a tranquilizer!!! I sleep with my laptop in the bed with me so even if I'm online sometimes I'm not (i.e., work, sleep, LOL). I'm glad you stopped by!!!

P.S. How's the job market in the Great White North??? I'm planning my escape pending the outcome of the elections this fall.


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