Lynn's Comments

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At 3:26pm on September 28, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Lynn,

I live in San Francisco.
I was just up in Vancouver and Victoria last month. We had a great time seeing family and friends.

Hope you are having a super day!!!

At 6:01pm on September 23, 2009, Carol said…
Doing well Lynn, thanks for asking. Hope you are doing well too :)
At 12:07am on September 10, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Lynn,

I'm sure you are enjoying it here.
Where are you in Canada? I was just in Vancouver and Victoria.
At 11:38pm on September 3, 2009, JeffreySF said…
Hi Lynn,

Welcome to Alopecia World.

At 2:17pm on September 3, 2009, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Looks like you already have started to connect with people :)
At 1:22pm on September 3, 2009, RENEE said…
Welcome Lynn. This is a great place to meet others like yourself and also get all the information you might like on new products etc. Like yourself I have had AU since I was very small.
At 8:17pm on September 2, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for your kind comment. I hope you are doing okay. Amanda just started school and is doing okay. I know she wishes people would stop asking her whats wrong with her hair. I always tell her its what makes her special to be a little different than everyone else. Talk to you soon.
At 1:39am on September 2, 2009, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Lynn, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

At 6:39pm on September 1, 2009, Cherylnz said…
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for the message and AW is a great place to share the ups and downs of Alopecia.
I've worn Vacuums for 23 years but I have only had 5 wigs made in all that time. I try to make them last as long as possible (the one I wear most of the time at the moment is over 5 years old, it's had one repair done nearly 3 years ago and is still in good condition). So the cost over the years would work out to about the same as other wigs (even with allowing for repairs and coloring).
It must have been challenging living overseas where there was no hairdresser and it looks like you were in quite a hot part of the world too!
Take care
Cheryl :)
At 12:26pm on September 1, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Hello and welcome, Lynn!
How are you today? I have universalis, too.
At 9:29pm on August 31, 2009, Cherylnz said…
Hi Lynn,
Welcome to Alopecia World
Great photos, thanks for sharing them
Cheryl :)
At 7:28pm on August 31, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Lynn,
My name is Tracy and my 7 yr old daughter has had alopecia since she was 4. How long have you had alopecia?
At 6:58pm on August 31, 2009, Lynn said…
hi I'm very well thanks and how are you?
At 6:55pm on August 31, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Lynn,
How are you?


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