Julia's Comments

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At 9:23pm on April 8, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
I really enjoyed the conversation last night. You are very uplifiting and positive.
All that talking last night and we didnt get into detail about the Book!!!
I have to apologize if i was rambling last night. When you text me I had already taken my Ambian (sleep aide) and it was kicking hard while we were on the phone. I was trying to fight it.
With everything that is going on, I have a hard time sleeping. It's been an ongoing thing now. But any hoot.
Thanks for being supportive and giving the booster talk! Next time i will be more alert. I will tell Jazz tonight that i spoke with you about her and next time maybe you and she can speak.
Thanks again!!
At 9:29am on April 8, 2008, Jill said…
I know....I'm terrible!!! Ok. So I have Wed and Thursday off this week...as in tomorrow and the next day!! If one of those will work for you we will definitely do it!!! Sorry I've been such a slacker!!
At 4:51pm on April 7, 2008, JayB said…
A newbie saying thanks for the wonderful energy.
At 8:07am on April 7, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
just found where to read my messages on here!. lol
At 8:00am on April 7, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
Hope you had a great weekend. I know you said you emailed me your information but i cant seem to find your number. can you send it to me to traylaunda@excite.com.
Thanks again. Are Monday nights a good time to call?
Let me know what the best times would be to call.

I was telling Stephanie and Trina about Noni

Hi. Hope you and your daughter had a great weekend.

I went grocery shopping over the weekend and was reminded of a juice called Noni. Shortly after my mother had a stroke she started on this juice along with the rest of my family. It works for the entire body.
My mother used to be tired, have aching muscles and all sorts of things.. Well a just a few weeks after consistently drinking the Noni juice she had energy and less aches every day.

I bought some for my daughter to start taking (there are different name brands depending on which you have, my daughter takes one teaspoon for every 17lbs she weighs). The guy that was telling me about it over the weekend said that it is very, very good for the immune system. Which we both know is the root of alopecia. He had knowledge of alopecia and said that this would be great for the immune system. On top of that it has all sorts of vitamins and minerals that are just good.
I myself can’t stomach the taste but they also have it in capsules and candy. I will be picking up the capsules for myself. Per the gentleman it can be added to a drink instead of taken directly and it won’t loose any strength.
Maybe you should read up on it and add it to your daughter’s vitamin source (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noni). You can get it from a health food or vitamin store.

Sharing the knowledge.
Let me know what you think.
At 1:24am on April 6, 2008, Shannon said…
wow, julia! you are stunning! i used to not believe it when people would tell me i was beautiful being bald. but now that i see it in other people it starts to help me be more accepting of myself
At 10:17pm on April 5, 2008, Daria said…
Hey Julia....I just tried to upload my story to you. Hope I did it properly. Not sure if it's what you had in mind or not. Let me know. Take care.
At 10:16pm on April 5, 2008, Daria said…
At 9:46pm on April 5, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hey, Julia. I thought I'd come by and just say hello. I hope you and your family are well. :-)
At 10:18pm on April 3, 2008, Trina said…
Julia ,

Make sure and load her with vitamins. especially biotin it seems to work for most. I am giving my daughter supplements, and she has to wear her hair natural the dr said any tension could cause new spots.

Children are resiliant they could care less it is us that go crazy at least we dont have to worry about our hair falling out worrying lol
At 3:13pm on April 3, 2008, Shemika said…
Ooh, forgot about the tape question. No the tape (adhesives) do not have any long term effect on the skin if used properly. Usually clients where their pieces for about a week or two, remove for cleansing of both the wig and their skin, then reapply. Also, the process of the application includes a skin protectant so that also aides in preventing any unwanted long term effects on the skin.
At 3:11pm on April 3, 2008, Shemika said…
Hi Julia!

I'm sorry it took a bit for me to respond. I've been so super busy lately but the wigs I carry are all custom made so once a customer sends in their head measurements, the wig is then made to those custom measurements, large or small. Thanks for asking hun! Let me know if you have any more questions:)

At 1:57pm on March 27, 2008, nathalie said…
rain sun even snow ! spring is cold!
and you?
I hope I understood
perhaps it's not what you asked?
my english is not enough!!!!!!
tell me about you
At 11:59am on March 26, 2008, nathalie said…
you're beautiful
nice smile
nice to meet you
At 11:17pm on March 25, 2008, Tray (Jazz's Mom) said…
I am so glad i found you. I told Yoko that i was looking for your myspace but couldnt find it.
She forwarded me your email. fyi i tried to donate but the paypal was or still isnt working.
Any hoot. I have questions out the wa-zoo! we had a horrible week last week!
Jazz had an episode where within 8 hours of us leaving the dermatologist, at bunch of hair was gone and it was just bare skin. I panic-ed. I took her back to the Dr.s the next day and he said that, that confirmed it for him of the Alopecia.
What test should he take? He has done nothing to test her and it say that. He is going soley on what i tell him and how it started!

I probably am in denial and want there to be a cure, i really dont know what i think. I am questioning God every day. and i know that it is just time to really educate myself on the whole situation. my daughter and i will soon begin counsling.
At 10:44pm on March 24, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hi, Julia. Since there are a number of you interested in chatting, perhaps it would be a good idea for all of you to put your heads together, work out chat times among yourselves, and let the rest of us know those times. ;-)
At 1:17am on March 17, 2008, Dotty said…
It's national care week...
time to send messages to all your friends, telling them how much you care about them.

Without friends
you would be missing out on a lot.

A friend should be radical;

They should love you when you're unlovable,

Hug you when you're unhuggable,

And bear you when you're unbearable.

A friend should be fanatical;

They should cheer when the whole world boos,

Dance when you get good news,

And cry when you cry.

But most of all, a friend should be mathematical,

They should multiply the joy, Divide the sorrow,

Subtract the past, And add to tomorrow,

Calculate the need deep within your heart,

And always be bigger than the sum of all their parts.

I care about you.
Have a nice day, and
I'm glad we are friends!!! Delete Comment
At 8:24pm on March 13, 2008, kastababy said…
I am doing great!!! I really do like MAC makeup, and I have to have Christian Dior too because they have some really great colors too; have you tried Rimmel?? I love their liquid eyeshadows!!! Thank goodness my weekend's here!!!
At 1:03pm on March 13, 2008, Dee Connelly said…
I will not get to go to the conference again this year. My stepdaughter is graduating in California that same weekend. I sure do miss going to them when I can't.
At 9:43am on March 13, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Oops! March 27 - March 30th


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