Claire's Comments

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At 11:02am on July 19, 2008, nicu said…
i'm fine
thans for preocupation
At 9:50am on July 19, 2008, Dina said…
Hi Claire, I am doing well, thank you so much for checking in on me :o). I have my fingers crossed for you on your hair and also so sad to hear about your puppy. I know exactly the feelings you are having. I had to put my dog of 16 years down for heart conditions and her sister 2 years before that due to kidney shut down. They are your babies and the loss is great. People who are not animal lovers sometimes cannot understand the grief that we go through for our animals. I now have a 2 year old Maltese, Toby, who keeps me very very busy lol. Well, I hope that you are doing well aside from your loss and again, I am very sorry. I hope that you have a nice weekend!! :O)
At 2:52pm on July 14, 2008, Martin said…
Hi ya,

Check out some of the new pics ive put up of me niece :-) x
At 9:58am on July 14, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
BTW, you have incredible eyes!
At 9:55am on July 14, 2008, Cheryl, Co-founder said…
Hi Claire, On thing I am learning, if rj has his camera... don't do anything you wouldn't want someone else to see. :). We have a lot of fun together as well as a serious devotion to Alopecia World. I am so glad it has expanded to something more than just "chatting" but also a tool of coping and discovery. I would also like to thank you for all of your input, blogs, comments. You and so many other members have really made a difference on this site and you say it has helped you, but I also see how you have truly shared your life and helped other. Thanks Claire.
At 1:44pm on July 13, 2008, kastababy said…
It's been hot and quiet. Need to find something to eat.
At 12:38pm on July 13, 2008, kastababy said…
Hi Claire! Things are going okay for me. I have my good days and bad days as well. How is your weekend going??
At 11:41am on July 13, 2008, Roger said…
Im ok thanks. Begin to work again tomorrow after a long vacation. Just relaxing at home today.
At 11:24am on July 13, 2008, Roger said…
Hi Claire.

How are you?
At 7:11pm on July 12, 2008, Dawn said…
Hi Claire,
I am so sorry about your dog. I just lost mine too about a month ago.
Your pets are so cute. Is the black one a Shitzu or Lhaso Apso? My mother has one identical to yours named "Pookie".
At 9:02am on July 10, 2008, Mandy said…

At 2:59am on July 1, 2008, Martin said…
Hi ya,

Have uploaded that "dunkedunk" song for ya so you can have it on yer website hahaha speak to ya later x
At 5:19pm on June 30, 2008, JOAN said…
Hiya domehead,
Just a quick line to say Hello.
Went to the park as arranged, and you weren't there!!!!!
what happened.....I hope everything is ok with you Claire and you are ok....and Henry and Izzy too.
Hope your day at work went well, was it good to be back? I bet they all missed you.
Lonely up there at the park without you, but I bumped into Wayne and Fudge, so had a bit of company, got home around 7.30.....
I will be there tomorrow (tuesday) at 6pm, cant make it earlier sorry, I have a dentist appointment in the afternoon., so if you are there I will see you then. I do hope you can come.....
Looking forward to seeing you,
Joan. x
At 7:23am on June 30, 2008, Carol said…
Hi Claire
Hope you're doing well also. I had a great weekend!! I went to lunch with 6 other women with alopecia and it was really nice to make new friends with alopecia. How was your weekend?
At 2:37am on June 30, 2008, gerald said…
You look fantastic bald, and in a headscarf.
My beautiful wife is bald with alopecia universalis. Like you, she is gorgeous, and has the feminine features to look good bald.
At 10:22am on June 28, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hi, Claire. Thanks for the positively encouraging feedback. I'm delighted to know that Alopecia World has meant so much to you. I also wish to express my gratitude for your contributions to Alopecia World. Your positive presence has also helped to ensure that ours is a beloved community, indeed. :-)
At 8:16pm on June 26, 2008, sgomez said…
Thanks, you are so sweet.
At 1:09pm on June 26, 2008, sgomez said…
Hello my new friend!! Your dogs and cat are cuties!! I love your scarves too. I'm starting to get into scarves, they are a new thing for me.
At 2:56am on June 24, 2008, Martin said…
Hi claire, check yer email when ya is next on here :-)
At 4:28pm on June 23, 2008, Scott said…
Its nice to be welcomed thankyou


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