Brittany's Comments

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At 12:12am on January 2, 2009, Lucy said…
Brittany!! happy new year to you too!!! i hope you have a wonderful 2009!!! you'll see it will be better! i know it will!!
i just arrived from tx so im gonna send you an email right now! so u can call me!
At 4:05am on December 31, 2008, Roger said…
At 11:49pm on December 29, 2008, Lucy said…
no the thing with this treatment is that it costs lots of money to put it in the us, the doctor who created this treatment told me that its a long process for treatment to be accepted there, you nobody has heard of it or tried it before
At 4:57pm on December 29, 2008, Hayley Burton said…
Hey! I saw the video of you on Tyra's show. You are an absolute STAR. love ya xxxx
At 4:14am on December 27, 2008, Roger said…
Ohhh. You are the girl in the Tyra show =) Ive seen that episode =) COOL!

At 4:11am on December 27, 2008, Roger said…

It was great. Had lots of yummy food. How was yours? =) Any snow over there?

At 11:07pm on December 21, 2008, Moni said…
Hey, girl. We are not doing so good as one of my cousins is very ill in the hospital. She received a heart transplant 2.5 yrs. ago and she's had 4 heart attacks since Wednesday. My little ReRe is something. She's a little toughy. I have 3 girls she's in the middle. She is aware that she lost her hair but she doesn't mind. She just turned 4. Did you graduate from High School now? How is the weather in Brooklyn?
At 3:39pm on December 21, 2008, Roger said…
Hey =)

Im fine thanks. How are you?
At 5:34am on December 21, 2008, Roger said…
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

At 2:09am on December 20, 2008, Moni said…
Hey, Brittany. Just wanted to say HELLO. I live in Los Angeles and I remember the taping from the Tyra Banks. I remember yelling at my husband to come and watch it. One of my babies has Alopecia and so when I heard Alopecia I'm like "stuck" on the TV. It's cool to read more about you. How have you been doing?
At 11:19pm on December 16, 2008, Lucy said…
ohh thnx you are so sweet, i watched the pictures you uploaded, i wanted to cry :(, i miss you guys a lot. im calling you maybe this weekend, but im not sure though. theres only 2 more days for me and im out of school for holidays! yeah! im really happy because there was this guy here in monterrey that had alopecia and used this treatment (its like a kind of liquid, you put on your scalp) and he told me about one doctor that cured him ( i saw him personally and he has ALL his hair back, he was entirely bald!), so i went with the doctor last friday and he told me that i should use that substance and im using it right now and im starting to see hair!, its so tiny, i can barely see it. and the thing that im so worried about is that no one knows that treatment exists you know, and i asked the doctor why dont he promote his medicine nationally and he told me it was to expensive! i really do hope it works!!
xoxoxoxoo, lucy
At 8:45am on December 8, 2008, rj, Co-founder said…
Hey, Brittany. It's great to hear that you'll be graduating from high school next year. What are you college plans? What's your ultimate career goal? I saw the great photos you uploaded to Alopecia World, and I'm glad to see you sharing. :-)
At 5:21pm on December 7, 2008, Marisol said…
Hey Britney,

How are you girl? Thanks for showing me the photo. Like the hair. How are you? Are you going to the conference in Texas?
At 11:31am on December 6, 2008, Roger said…
Great photos!
At 8:06pm on December 5, 2008, Roger said…

I miss Louisville a lot!!!!

Roger "the swede"
At 5:23pm on December 5, 2008, Lucy said…
well i already have a wig but i dont use it a lot only when i go to parties and stuff but i feel son unforgettable wearing it.. im not sure wat im going to do about it & i have this huge party coming (its not mine) but im not sure if i should go i feel weird around ppl u know?? but yea ill send u my number by mail soon, i could call u because i have this thing that i pay and i get to talk all that i want to usa so ill call you but send me your number ok?? xoxooxoxoxoox miss youu
At 3:43pm on December 4, 2008, Jessica said…
Hey girl! Of course i remember you! Things are good over here, just got back from Australia for the past 4 months, how are ya goin? getting pumped for Houston?
At 5:48pm on December 3, 2008, Lucy said…
heyy brittantyy! how r u?? we havent talked for a while, i dont know if im going yet to tx this year, i hope i do thought, but r u going?! if i go you need to come too!!! ive been doing pretty bad about the whole aa thing, im almost all bald but im using hair extensions behind my cap, its really uncomfortable though but it covers it up, how about u are u doing good?
At 5:08pm on December 1, 2008, Caroline said…
Hi Brittany! I saw your comment back on my page but havent gotten much time on here until now so I decided to see how you were doing. I'm doing alright. I have the most spots I've ever had but we're doing our best to get them growing back. Hows everything? I was just watching your video from the Tyra show again because I just love it! I can't believe how mean people can be to us but I'm just thankful for all the support we get too =] Hope your thanksgiving was good!
love Caroline
At 10:38pm on November 29, 2008, meaghan evelyn smith earle said…
Nothing relle , being bored.


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