Brittany's Comments

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At 10:30pm on November 29, 2008, meaghan evelyn smith earle said…
Hi Brittany How Are You ?
At 7:36am on November 29, 2008, nrja said…
hi .. brittney ... recently saw yr video with tyra ...... it was great .. thanks ..
At 7:01pm on November 26, 2008, Alex said…
I know...senior year is way stressfull!!!! there is so much going on...i just got done with golf and speech started! where does the time go? So how have you been? I am going through bald people withdrawls...haha. I always hate like December thru February cause i'm only half way to next conference! are you going agian next year? I'm already making plans to room with Lynn! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Shine on -AL
At 2:00pm on November 22, 2008, Andie said…
Hi Brittany!
That's amazing that you went on the Tyra Banks Show! You are awesome! :-) I remember what it was like to be a teenager with alopecia. Always surround yourself with friends and family, and never be afraid to reach out to fellow alopecians for support. You are a very pretty girl!
At 6:41pm on November 20, 2008, Alex said…
Hey!!! i'm so sorry i haven't been in touch. i have been so busy applying for college and school and golf and speech and's just crazy! how have you been? I'm running on empty but i like being busy! what grade are you in this year? i'm a senior i get to go to college soon woohoo:) hope your doing well
At 6:36pm on November 12, 2008, Sonia said…
Hi! You are sooo adorable.
Thanks for adding me, too.
At 8:46pm on November 2, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
hey again....wassup..havent heard from ya.
At 9:26pm on October 28, 2008, meaghan evelyn smith earle said…
At 8:17pm on October 27, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
Omg you have a nose ring! in the pic at least....real?????
At 12:38pm on October 25, 2008, stacy said…
'tis k. whatcha gonna be for Halloween?
At 9:11pm on October 23, 2008, stacy said…
anyway, how's it going? its soo much easier for me to get to school now! its just one train!
At 9:11pm on October 23, 2008, stacy said…
well my last name has an e in it =D
At 9:10pm on October 23, 2008, stacy said…
silly my name has no e in it =]
At 9:29pm on October 21, 2008, Amber said…
Hey brittany! i just stumbled across the Tyra show with the episode that you were in and it touched my heart so much. It just brought me back to my own high school, my own fears, and own emotions. I'm glad you were able to share your story and be a voice for the rest of the young girls out there. i didn't have that when i was in high school or anything like this community. God Bless you!
At 4:43pm on October 18, 2008, stacy said…
I just moved in with my father so i live in Bk now too =]
At 4:41pm on October 18, 2008, stacy said…
At 12:57am on October 14, 2008, Samantha said…
sorry it took me so long to write back!!
yeah i hate the doctors!!
so what have you been up to latley??
At 6:45pm on October 7, 2008, Peggy Knight said…
since every one loved us the Tyra show i think i am going to post the video!!!!!!
At 5:48pm on October 7, 2008, Caroline said…
Hey =] wow I can't believe this. I just sent Tyra a fan letter the other day telling her about how I loved the episode with you in it and how sweet that was of her and now I just came across your page from a friends page! woahh small world huh? haha If you had a second to comment back that would be cool =] Hope to talk to you soon!
love & hugs
At 8:33pm on September 27, 2008, Shana and Taylor said…
OMG.....I cannot believe you got picked!!!!! That is like 1 in a million chance


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