Stephani's Comments

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At 11:32pm on January 3, 2013, Tamer Jane Sell said…


At 6:40am on January 22, 2010, Ilia Reed said…
Just to say good morning to a beautiful friend
At 11:18pm on January 19, 2010, Ilia Reed said…
Sorry for the lashes! I'm with you and with no lashes either. ooo
At 1:30pm on January 18, 2010, Ilia Reed said…
Thanks for accepting. It's good to people like you who are comfortable being bald. And you in my fav city, - though it's too far away
At 6:02am on January 3, 2010, Kay said…
awe i know what you're going through, i've been there before.
except i've worn wigs since i was diagnosed for the most part..
i hate going without my wigs but my family and such say i look better without, and that i should be comfortable with who i am.
i've had AA for a year and i still can't accept the fact i'm bald. i rarely go out in public bc of that.
At 10:20pm on January 1, 2010, Brittany said…
Thats awesome!! I have only been to one Naaf conference it was the 2008 conference in Louisville Kentucky. I wanted to go last year in Houston but my mother didn't have the money to send me. I'm currently saving money to attend this years conference in Indianapolis. It's up to me to save up because now my mom can't afford it. I can't wait to go this year plu my mom isn't coming with me! yay!lol What conference's have you been to?

I hated having Alopecia when I was younger because of the teasing. :(

If you want add me on facebook! :)
Brittany Angerhauser
or it's
Bitney Castles
lol Idk :D

Brittany /body>
At 9:17pm on January 1, 2010, Diego Martínez said…
Happy new year and happy birthday Stephani!!
At 5:29am on December 31, 2009, Kay said…
awe. why's it a bummer? :|
and i'm good.
At 3:29am on December 31, 2009, Gerd gave stephani a gift
At 5:48pm on December 30, 2009, Kay said…
hiya :)
i'm kaytee.
thanks for the friend request ^_^
how are you?
At 2:02am on December 30, 2009, Brittany said…
That's good!! :) I completely understand what you are saying! :) People really don't understand what Alopecia is, I have been teased hundreds times for having Alopecia. Other students at my school use to think that I was dying of cancer. I have had my page since 2008, I created my page because I met the creators at the NAAF conference in Louisville, Kentucky. My internet pretty much sucks so I'm never really on anymore. :( Have you ever been to a NAAF Conference??

Brittany <3
At 10:51pm on December 29, 2009, Jules said…
Thanks for the add! Happy Birthday for your upcoming birthday :)
At 7:40pm on December 29, 2009, Brittany said…
awww!! thank you!! I'm Brittany! :)
How are you?
At 10:08am on September 8, 2009, Tracy and Amanda said…
Hi Stephani,
How are you?
At 4:39pm on August 26, 2009, Mikayla said…
i have alopecia areata 2 but im only 13
At 11:00pm on June 30, 2009, Maya said…
At 10:06pm on March 1, 2009, Maya said… you wear a wig??? and im Maya almost 11 and i also live in illinois but in the suburbs like an hour away from chicago...accept my request!!!
At 2:36pm on February 17, 2009, Andre said…
really cool!
At 2:26pm on February 12, 2009, Roger said…
Cool pics.


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